
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:邱耀德 主编  页数:364  




  《幼师英语(附光盘)》是中等职业学校(三年制)幼儿教育专业教材,是教育部推荐的教学用书。《幼师英语(附光盘)》以初中英语为起点,降低理论难度,加强听、读、认的训练环节。由32个单元组成,每个单元包括7个部分。《幼师英语(附光盘)》突出幼儿教育的专业特点,课文选材包括童话、寓言、知识短文、幼儿教育和教育心理短文等。  《幼师英语(附光盘)》适合中等职业学校幼儿教育专业学生使用,五年制高职幼儿教育专业的学生也可选用,同时,还可供幼儿园教师以及从事幼儿教育工作的人员自学使用。


Unit 1 My first day at schoolUnit 2 How do you get to school?Unit 3 It's a sunny day!Unit 4 I enjoyed the tripUnit 5 How much is it?Unit 6 Where is the post office?Unit 7 How often do you exercise?Unit 8 I love cookingUnit 9 I love travelingUnit 10 I've seen a great movie!Unit 11 What a day!Unit 12 He had been there!Unit 13 What is it made of?Unit 14 Something must be done!Unit 15 When was it changed?Unit 16 Preparing for an examUnit 17 Back to schoolUnit 18 How do you learn a foreign language?Unit 19 Using computersUnit 20 The animal worldUnit 21 Don't eat in class!Unit 22 What's your excuse?Unit 23 I got the letterUnit 24 I went to a talent showUnit 25 Do you like working on weekends?Unit 26 I lost your bookUnit 27 I am not sureUnit 28 Thanksgiving dinnerUnit 29 I was late for schoolUnit 30 At a clinicUnit 31 The restaurant was great!Unit 32 The semester ends附录1 New learning styles involving multiple intelligences附录2 Games can be played with children附录3 Listening Script附录4 Children's songs附录5 Keys附录6 词汇表


插图:I. Listening comprehensionListen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).1. Melissa moved into a new apartment.2. Melissa drives to school every day.3. Melissa's new home is near her university.4. Kevin's new home is far from his school.5. Kevin now goes to school every day by bus.II. Speaking practice (complaining)A: Why is there never a bus when you want one?B: Good question. There aren't enough buses on this route.A: Yes, sometimes I feel like writing a letter to the newspaper.B: Good idea. You should say that we need more buses.A: Yeah, and we need more subway lines, too.B: Right, there should be more public transportation.A: And fewer cars! There is too much traffic.B: Ah, is that our bus coming?A: Yes, it is. But look, it's full.





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