
出版时间:2009-3  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《新编实用英语》 编  页数:264  字数:440000  


  《新编实用英语》(北京版)系列教材是在北京市各高职高专院校的大力支持和各校英语教师的共同努力下,以《新编实用英语》为基础,由北京市高职高专院校中具有丰富教学经验的一线教师结合北京的地方特色及经济发展需求的实际改编的一套高职高专英语教材。  《新编实用英语》(北京版)共3册,每册由《综合教程》、《学学·练练·考考》和《教师参考书》以及配套的多媒体学习课件、电子教案、录音磁带等组成。  《新编实用英语——教师参考书》(北京版)是为了帮助广大教师充分贯彻教材编写意图,深入了解、掌握本书的各个环节,用好本套教材编写而成。本书提供的“教材和教法使用说明”适用于全书各个单元,主要为教师提供本系列教学参考书的编写概要和总体指导。根据主教材的4个主要部分,教学参考书分别提供了“文化背景知识介绍”、“课文难点注释”、“重点词汇学习”,以及“参考译文”和“练习答案”等部分供本系列教材的使用者进行教学或自学活动。其中,“文化背景知识介绍”帮助本书的使用者拓宽视野,从而对各个单元的主题有更为深入的了解;“课文难点注释”为本书的使用者提供针对《综合教程》课文难点的专业讲解;“参考译文”和“练习答案”也是针对《综合教程》而编写,为本系列教材的使用者提供较为系统的教学和自学指导。  《新编实用英语》(北京版)由教育部原高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会主任委员、大连理工大学孔庆炎教授和高等学校英语应用能力考试委员会主任委员、上海交通大学刘鸿章教授任总主编,北京联合大学杨亚军副教授任副总主编。  《新编实用英语——教师参考书3》(北京版)由北京科技职业学院龙梦晖任主编;北京科技经营管理学院李纳新任副主编;陈建珍、熊伟、常识、李凤、李金香也参加了编写。  本书在编写过程中得到了北京市教育委员会各级领导和北京市高职高专院校主管教学校长们的指导和帮助,在此一并表示衷心的感谢。  由于本书的编写是一种新的尝试,会有不当和疏漏之处,希望广大使用者批评指正,以使本教程能为北京高职高专院校的英语教学做出更大的贡献。


《新编实用英语》(北京版)是在北京市各高职高专院校的大力支持和各校英语教师的共同努力下,以“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”《新编实用英语》(第二版)为基础,由北京市高职高专院校中具有丰富教学经验的一线教师结合北京的地方特色及经济发展的实际需求改编而成的一套高职高专英语教材。本套教材认真贯彻了“学一点、会一点、用一点”、“听、说、读、写、译并重”和“边学边用、学用结合”的原则。注重听说技能训练,注重对实用文体阅读能力的培养,将应用语言基本功的能力与实际涉外交际相结合。    本套教材还注重“教、学、考”相互照应。学完第2册可参加“高等学校英语应用能力考试”的B级考试,学完第3册成绩优秀者可参加A级考试。    本书为《新编实用英语教师参考书》(北京版)第3册,全书包括“教法和教材使用说明”和8个单元,每个单元都由“文化背景知识介绍”、“课文难点注释”、“重点词汇学习”,以及“听力材料”、“参考译文”和“练习答案”组成。此外,书各单元还分别列出了课时进度安排和参考教案,供教师参考进行教学。


教法和教材使用说明1 Promoting Axtivities Key and Translation Class Work Design: (Three Sessions--Six Contact Hours) Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class Activities2 Cimpany Profiles Key and Translation Class Work Design: (Three Sessions--Six Contact Hours) Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class Activities3 Purchase and Payment Key and Translation Class Work Design: (Three Sessions--Six Contact Hours) Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class Activities4 Training Across Cultures Key and Translation Class Work Design: (Three Sessions--Six Contact Hours) Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class Activities5 Brands and Asvertisements Key and Translation Class Work Design: (Three Sessions--Six Contact Hours) Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class Activities6 Sharing the Loss Key and Translation Class Work Design: (Three Sessions--Six Contact Hours) Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class Activities7 Busy Agenda and Schedule Key and Translation Class Work Design: (Three Sessions--Six Contact Hours) Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class Activities8 Thinking Global Acting Local Key and Translation Class Work Design: (Three Sessions--Six Contact Hours) Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class Activities


  4.Then each group exchanges the question sheet.  5.By the end ofthe procedure,each group should give the answers to the questions and read the answers out to the class.  6.By checking the answers,the teacher or a student in the group that raised the questions gives the authoritative answers.Suggested questions:a. For how long has the Internet developed into a universal information system?(8 years.)b.In what areas was the Internet originally used?(In university and military network.)C.Is it difficult to get on the web?Why or why not?(No.Anyone,even unskilled,can easily surfthe net.)Activity 3:Writing a report1.The teacher divides the students into groups and asks them to imagine that they are writing a report on the advantages of applying the Internet for business,and in the short introduction they muse take information only from the text,write the introduction in no more than 80 words.  2.Then ask some groups to read out their reports in class.Activity 4:Summary writingP.After finishing the passage,the teacher asks students to write a summary of the passage in groups.2.Inform the students that the most important ideas or information must be presented in an organized way.The following words can be served as tips by the teacher. Tips:apply the Interneta universal information systemdownload software,…put your business on your websitequote onlineinstall credit cards onlinepromote you r busi ness website by……



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