
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:郭成玉,郑雨 著  页数:161  


  《大学英语快速阅读教程》是根据教育部颁发的《大学英语教学基本要求》以及大学英语四、六级考试最新题型编写的。改革后的大学英语四、六级考试的阅读理解部分更注重快速阅读能力的培养。本教材旨在帮助读者提高阅读速度和阅读理解能力,扩大英语词汇量,了解有关历史、文化、风俗、人情以及自然科学和人文科学方面的知识。  本书为该系列之一的第3分册。


阅读技巧:记叙文UNlT 1Text A Christmas Present(I)Text B Christmas Present(11)Text C It Is BushUNlT 2Text A How the First Earth Day Came AboutText B Recycling Used CDsText C LandfillsUNIT 3Text A New IOC Head Has Impeccable RecordText B The God in Youth:Michael JordanText C Humans Were Born to Run.Fossil Study SuggestsUNIT 4Text A Ahmed Zewail,——Femtochemistry and Laser SpectroscopyText B Martin Luther King JrText C Children.One to Four Years阅读技巧:说明文UNIT 5Text A Elementary Education in the United StatesText B Human-resource Management in American and JapanText C The Education GapUNIT 6Text A Battling for Market Share in the Cut—throat Consumer Products IndustryText B HaierText C Youth of Today——No savings,No Pension,Huge DebtsUNIT 7Text A American FoodText B Why American Culture Is Unique?Text C Europe’S Gypsies.Are They a Nation?UNIT 8Text A The Ethics of CloningText B Cloning of Humans.Will It Be Ethical?Should It Be Done?Text C Microsoft Faces New Browser Foe in Google阅读技巧:议论文UNIT 9Text A Chronic IllnessText B Terminally Ill LawText C StressUNIT 10Text A How Our Adult Literacy Initiative Has Changed People’S Lives?Text B Never Too Late in Principle.If You Can Find the CashText C Early Childhood EducationUNlT 11Text A Love and Take Care of NatureText B Safety of FoodText C Man Searches for Life in SpaceUNIT 12Text A TeamworkText B The Only Way to Travel Is on FootText C Holidays in the US阅读技巧:应用文UNIT 13Text A A Letter to FriendsText B Advertisement,Announcement and InvitationText C Utilizing Woman’S SkillsUNIT 14Text A Introduction to DrugText B Letter:Prevent Drug Abuse Among YouthText C SmokingUNIT 15Text A Job AdvertisementText B Application Letter&ResumeText C Computer CrimeUNIT 16Text A War or PeaceText B No Biased Reports Any MoreText C Back Down to EarthKEYS



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