
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《新编实用英语》教材编写组 编  页数:255  




Unit One Invitation EtiquetteKey and TranslationClass Work DesignSuggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesUnit Two E-mailKey and TranslationClass Work DesignSuggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesUnit Three Communication by PhoneKey and TranslationClass Work DesignSuggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesUnit Four Hotel ServiceKey and TranslationClass Work DesignSuggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesUnit Five food BlogsKey and TranslationClass Work DesignSuggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesUnit Six Shopping and SightseeingKey and TranslationClass Work DesignSuggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesUnit Seven FarewellKey and TranslationClass Work DesignSuggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesUnit Eight Applying for a JobKey and TranslationClass Work DesignSuggested Teaching Procedures and Class Activities


  Script:  Ladies and gendemen,  Most welcome to our dinner party. I am Li Minghua, General Manager of Dongfang Electronics Company. I'm so excited to have all of you here tonight. This occasion is very special, for it marks the first official gathering of the top leaders of the two companies. This event offers me an opportunity to express my great appreciation of our cooperation in the last three years.  First of all I'd like to say that since the establishment of our partnership 3 years ago, each partner has had much to offer to the other. We are so glad to see that both sides have got satisfying benefits from the partnership. And we are also convinced that through mutual hard work the relationship between the two companies will become more and more strengthened in the future.  Now let me propose, on behalf of the company, a toast to all the people present here. I wish success to all of you in the coming business meetings. I also wish you a good stay in this city.  Cheers to your health.  ……



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