
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:李凤 编  页数:130  


  为了适应社会发展的需要,加快应用型技能人才的培养,我们依据最新《高等职业教育英语课程教学要求》及国家示范性高职院校建设对基础课的要求,以调查分析高职毕业生未来所从事工作岗位对英语的需求和高职学生的现状、兴趣、爱好为基础,编写《当代高等职业英语》。本教材促使以职业英语课程替代现有的通用英语课程,打破原来公共英语与专业英语的割裂,淡化二者的界限,使整个英语教学设计一体化,让英语教学活动服务于专业能力、社会能力及方法策略能力的发展。本书旨在培养学生实际应用语言的技能,特别是用英语处理与未来职业相关业务的能力,同时为学生的可持续发展打好基础。本系列教材以课本为依托,辅以教学参考书、磁带、光盘、课件和网络课程等现代化教学手段,力求为一线教师和学生提供良好的教学素材和教学支持,努力营造立体化教学环境。  与目前我国较有影响的同类教材相比较,本教材有以下特点:  (一)以需求调查与分析为基础,突出高职教育人才培养目标对英语课程的教学要求  我们通过去企业调研、参加招聘会、网络检索、毕业生回访等渠道,了解劳动力市场对学生英语能力的需求,在充分调查学生未来就业的行业及岗位(群)、涉及英语的典型工作任务的基础上,进行英语目标情景与学习需求分析,突出高职教育人才培养目标及全国高职示范性建设对英语课程总的要求。  (二)充分发挥英语的工具作用。突出学生职业能力的培养  充分发挥英语的工具作用,注重培养学生实际应用语言的技能,特别是用英语获取有用信息,处理与未来职业相关业务、解决实际问题的能力。在努力全方位促进学生社会能力、方法能力、专业能力等基础上,突出学生职业能力的培养,为学生综合能力的提高服务。  (三)融“教、学、做”为一体的教学理念,突出职业场景下语言的交际功能  根据需求分析,合理确定教材编写中的侧重点。精心设计日常社交活动与未来职业情景,做到教材有针对性,符合职业教育的特点。




Module l Asking for Permission1.1 Listening and Speaking1.2 Reading1.3 Grammar1.4 Practical WritingModule 2 A Project2.1 Listening and Speaking2.2 Reading2.3 Grammar2.4 Practical WritingModule 3 Hunting Jobs Through the Intemet3.1 Listening and Speaking3.2 Reading3.3 Grammar3.4 Practical WritingModule 4 Making Complaints4.1 Listening and Speaking4.2 Reading4.3 Grammar4.4 Practical WritingModule 5 Design5.1 Listening and Speaking5.2 Reading5.3 Grammar5.4 Practical WritingModule 6 Surviving Overseas6.1 Listening and Speaking6.2 Reading6.3 Grammar6.4 Practical WritingModule 7 Social Activities7.1 Listening and Speaking7.2 Reading7.3 Grammar7.4 Practical WritingModule 8 Product Promotion8.1 Listening and Speaking8.2 Reading8.3 Grammar8.4 Practical Writing


  (1) When you buy life insurance, you want a policy that fits your needs at a reasonablecost. Your first step is to determine how much life insurance you need. Next, (2) you need todecide how much money you can afford to pay. Finally, you must choose the type of policythat meets your coverage goals and fits into your financial plan. (3) Once you have completedthese steps, you will be able to move ahead and contact several life insurance companiesthrough an agent who will shop for the right type of policy for yon.  There are many reasons for purchasing life insurance, among which are the following:  (4) Insurance to provide family protection and financial security to surviving familymembers upon the death of the insured person. (5) Insurance to cover a particular need upon the insureds death such as paying offamortgage or other debts.



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