
出版时间:2012-4  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:王业霞  页数:42  




1 关于皮影戏
2 皮影的造型与结构
 2.1 造型与角色
 2.2 头茬与身子
 2.3 五官
 2.4 图案
 2.5 雕镂
 2.6 色彩
 2.7 其他造型
 2.8 结构
 2.9 工艺制作
3 自制影戏
 3.1 自制影人
 3.2 操纵表演
 3.3 自制舞台
4 参考剧本
 4.1 狐假虎威
 4.2 乌鸦与狐狸


版权页:   插图:    If you are provided with a translucent white screen, several shadow puppets and an oil lamp,can you do a fascinating show with them? More than two thousand years ago, Chinesebegan to give performances using puppetsagainst an illuminated screen. That is "shadow play", also known as "lamp and shadow play". It is considered "the precursor of movie" because it was the earliest moving art form dubbed with human voice in the world. 一张半透明的白布,几个皮影道具,一盏油灯——如果给你这几样东西,你能不能表演一出情节生动的戏? 早在两千多年前,中国人就开始用光源照射皮影表演故事,这就是皮影戏。皮影戏又叫“灯影戏”,是世界上最早由人配音的活动影画艺术,因此有人将其称作“电影之父”。 During a play, puppeteers hide themselves behind the white screen and move the puppets, while narrating the story, usually through singing.Performances are accompanied by musicians playing percussion and stringed instruments. 表演时,艺人们在白色幕布后面一边操纵皮影,一边唱述故事,同时配以打击乐器和弦乐。 Shadow play combines traditional Chinese plastic art and performing art as well as the arts of painting, paper cutting, local opera, and ventriloquism. 皮影戏集中了中国传统的造型艺术和表演艺术,荟萃了绘画、剪纸、地方戏、口技等艺术形式。



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  •   本来就很喜欢这个课,有了这本书,学生也可以自己做皮影了,都非常喜欢
  •   想了解下中国五千年的传统文化
  •   就打飞机你福德宫共和国发给分割线
  •   非常不错的书,很值得购买

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