出版时间:2006-1  出版社:机械工业  作者:内库加  页数:188  


Information you can put straight to work!ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits)and SOCs (Systems On a Chip) are among the hottest topics in semiconductor chip design today. If you're a front-end or back-end chip designer looking to learn the latest techniques and methodologies, this book is for you.From ASICs to SOts: A Practical Approach explains ASIC and SOC design and verification for the real world--by covering the same issues and dilemmas you'll face on the job!An emphasis on techniques and principles over the particulars of design tools gives you a deeper understanding of the material and will make you much more effective in your work,regardless which tools you use.Topics include:·Methodologies and design flows for front-end and back-end designs·Modern physical design techniques·Integration of IPs on SOC designs·Low-power design techniques and methodologies·VolP (Voice over IP) and STB (Set-Top Box) SOC design examples·Tips and guidelines for front-end and back-end designsWith content centering on practical and current information and techniques, From ASICs to SOCs: A Practical Approach is intended for self-study by practical ASIC and SOC engineers.It also makes an excellent reference book for graduate students in electrical engineering.


List of AbbreviationsPrefaceAcknowledgments1 Introduction  1.1  Introduction  1.2  Voice Over IP SOC  1.3  Intellectual Property  1.4  SOC Design Challenges  1.5  Design Methodology  1.6  Summary  1.7  References2  Overview of ASICs  2.1  Introduction  2.2  Methodology and Design Flow  2.3  FPGA to ASIC Conversion  2.4  Verification  2.5  Summary  2.6  References3  SOC Design and Verification  3.1  Introduction  3.2  Design for Integration  3.3  SOC Verification  3.4  Set -Top-Box SOC  3.5  Set-Top-Box SOC Example  3.6  Summary  3.7  References4  Physical Design  4.1  Introduction  4.2  Overview of Physical Design Flow    4.3  Some Tips nd Guidelines for  Physical Design  4.4  Modern Physical Design Techniques  4.5  Summary  4.6  References5  Low-Power DesignA  Low-Power Design toolsB  Open Core Protocol(OCP)C  Phase-Locked Loops(PLLS)GlosaryIndex




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