如何写好250词以上的议论文 第2版

出版时间:2009-4  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:杨凡  页数:226  


  英语考试.包括雅思、托福、考研、四六级、高考,都有写作这一项。同学们普遍感觉写作是所有项目中最难的。  同学们遇到的问题主要有:  语法很弱  出的句子不是过于简单,就是错误百出。  词汇缺乏  缺乏和写作话题相关的词汇的积累,时常感觉无从下手。  文章结构混乱  缺乏必要的英语写作技巧,如段落展开方式、文章组织结构等。  思路匮乏  面对作文考题,要么无话可说,写不够字数;要么车轱辘话来回说。  本系列丛}5共三册,正是为了系统地、循序渐进地解决上述问题而编写的。  《如何写出好句子》主要解决考生在英语写作过程中遇到的词汇和语法问题。该书将写作中遇到的语法现象作了简明实用的讲解,并给出大量与考试话题相关的例句。同学们通过仔细阅读该书,并背诵其中的例句,一定能打好写作的基础,写出好的句子。




丛书序第1章 命题形式 辩论型题目 解释型题目第2章 结构 第1种结构 第2种结构 第3种结构 第4种结构 第5种结构 第6种结构  第7种结构  第8种结构 第9种结构 第10种结构 其他结构第3章 思路 开头段常用思路 理由段常用思路 段落展开方法 结尾段常用思路 一些题目的思路第4章 语言 如何写出好句子 修改文章 句式富于变化 文章写得连贯 常用模板式句型第5章 分类高分范文 学生生活 家庭生活 现代科技 媒体 动物 环境资源交通 平等 传统与发展变化 政府话题 其他话题我最关注的章节


Competition helps enhance individual abilities. Competition makes people creative.Competition is a product of the development of society and it gives people a sense of the pursuit of excellence. This is people's inborn nature. Without competition,people would remain idle and have no ambition. Many people are fond of competition because it enables them to bring their knowledge or skills into full play. If you want to remain competent in the fierce competition, you have to spend much time reading to make yourself qualified for your present job.Society, through competition, has developed a lot. Fair competition promotes progress and renews the looks of our society. Without competition,people would create nothing. They would feel satisfied with their present conditions. With no competition, therefore, there would be no progress.Competition is the guarantee of enterprises' existence. They have to produce better things. Otherwise, they will have no customers. So in fact they produce better things for their own benefit. At the same time, people's various requirements can be satisfied and our society can develop as well.Cooperation is also indispensable for a better life of the people. Cooperation helps bring individual abilities into full play,make up for each other's inadequacy and enhance the overall quality of the parties concerned. But cooperation without competition may bring about a peaceful life to all hut destroy individual's initiative and eventually affect social development.……





    如何写好250词以上的议论文 第2版 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   是本对写作很有帮助的好书~
  •   写作必备
  •   句型 模版 很实用 不错的书
  •   真的很一般了.

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