
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:机械工业  作者:龚为标 编  页数:168  


  随着社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,英语的重要性已日益突出。英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。学习和掌握英语,开展对外交流已是对21世纪国民素质的基本要求。  为了激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,为了帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,为了使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力,我们组织了教学一线的特、高级英语教师编写了锦囊妙解中学生英语强化训练系列,它包括初、高中的《词汇与语法强化训练》和《阅读理解与完形填空强化训练》以及初中部分的《单项选择与情景交际强化训练》、《听力强化训练》、《口语强化训练》和高中部分的《单项选择与新题型强化训练》共计24种。本丛书遵循了教育部制定的英语课程标准,从语言技能、语言知识、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识等方面着手,让同学们在学习过程中磨砺意志、陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富生活经历、开发思维能力、发展个性和提高人文素养。丛弗不仅能帮助学生更好地理解教材、提升英语语言能力,而且充分体现了“教材”与“教辅”、“知识”与“能力”的互动性。  本丛书具有以下鲜明的特色:  一、同步性  本丛书完全与英语课程标准同步,不但词汇、语法、话题同步,而且题型也与中、高考完全吻合。丛书以最新的教改精神为理念,以现行的初、高中课改教材为蓝本,设题紧扣教材、逐层深入。丛书的所有素材源于教材,但又不拘泥于教材;既讲求课内知识的巩固与拓展,又注重知识“点”与“面”的完美结合。  二、全面性  本丛书的知识分布全面,涵盖所有的中、高考考点。一方面从各小点突破,另一方面做到点、线、面的完美结合。同时进行了语言技能、语言知识、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识等内容的全面融合。  三、新颖性  本丛书不但题目原创、题型新颖,而且编写理念超前,有耳目一新之感。全部题日都精心编写,覆盖考点;所有题型都精心设计,仿真中、高考。各学段或年级的题目、题型的设置都充分体现了循序渐进、稳步上升的指导性原则。  四、示范性  本丛书的所有习题均附有详细的解析,且阅读文章还附有语篇解读。讲解精练,极具权威性,旨在培养学生的发散思维能力和创新精神。  愿这套内容厚重、形式简约的丛书能伴您走向成功!  本丛书从策划、编写到出版,都精心设计、细致操作,可谓尽心尽力,但仍不免有疏漏之处,故请广大读者不吝指正。




Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Unit 16
Unit 17
Unit 18
Unit 19
Unit 20
Unit 21
Unit 22
Unit 23
Unit 24
Unit 25


  By 1991 their love had deepened,and they were hap-py. Later that year, Bill developed a white spot on histongue. He visited a doctor.  One day shortly after that, Bill called Karen to sit be-side him. He said with tears in his eyes that he loved herand wanted to live forever with her. The doctor suspectedthat he had been infected with HIV,the virus that leads toAIDS.  The family was tested. Bill and Karen s results werepositive. Bill had become infected before he met Karen;then he passed the virus on to Karen. The childrens resultswere negative. Within three years, Bill was dead. "I dontknow how to express what it is like to watch the oncehandsome man you love and intend to live with forever dy-ing slowly. I cried many nights. He died three months shortof ten years of our marriage," says Karen. Though a doctortold Karen that she would soon follow her husband intodeath, she is still alive. The infection has progressed to theearly stages of AIDS.  Karen is but one of about 30 million people now liv-ing with HIV/AIDS, a figure larger than the combinedpopulations of Australia, Ireland and Paraguay. Accordingto one UN report, Africa has 21 million of these victims. Bythe turn of the century that number could reach 40 millionand disease will bring on the greatest disaster in humanhistory. Of the worlds sexually active adults aged 15 to49,1 in 100 has already been infected with HIV. Of these,only 1 in 10 realizes that he or she is infected. In someparts of Africa,25 percent of the adults are infected.  Since the beginning of the spread of AIDS in 1981,about 11.7 million people have died of it. It is roughly cal-culated that in 1997 alone ,about 2.3 million people died ofit. Nevertheless, there are fresh reasons for optimism in thebattle against AIDS. During the past few years, there hasbeen a drop in new AIDS cases in wealthy nations. In addi-tion,promising drugs hold out hope of better health and lon-ger life.


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