
出版时间:2011-5  出版社:蔡晔 机械工业出版社 (2011-05出版)  作者:蔡晔 编  页数:328  






前言第一章 完形填空第一节 技巧讲解第二节 实战演练第二章 阅读理解第一节 技巧讲解第二节 实战演练第三章 句子翻译 第一节 技巧讲解第二节 实战演练第四章 书面表达第一节 技巧讲解第二节 实战演练参考答案


版权页:插图:Today our chief concern about organic and chemical things relates to how foods are grown and processed. There are no precise, official definitions for these but some have been proposed for legal use and can be useful here: "The term 'organically grown food' means food which has not been subjected to pesticides or artificial fertilizers and which has been grown in soil who sehumus content has been increased by the addition of organic matter. " "Theterm ' organically processed food' means organically grown food which in this processing has not been treated with preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, orsyn thetic additive of any kind. "Organic material or humus used in growing the plants which we eat directly,or which are fed to the animals that furnish ourmeat,includes manure, plant composts, and other plant residues such as peatmoss. These are all made by the living Cells in animal or plant tissues. They contain the nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, magnesium,and other essential minerals' in complex cmbinations with carbon, hydrogen,and usually oxygen.





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