
出版时间:2011-10  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:(美)Roger S.Pressman  


   第一部分 软件过程,介绍了说明性模型和敏捷过程模型。
   第二部分 建模,介绍了现代分析与设计方法,重点放在基于uml的建模方面。
   第三部分 质量管理,是第7版中新增加的内容,描述质量评审技术、软件质量保证、软件测试、软件配置管理的各个方面。
   第四部分 软件项目管理,介绍与计划、管理和控制软件项目有关的主题。


  Roger S. Pressman


出版者的话Adapter's ForewordPrefaceAbout the AuthorCHAPTER 1 SOFTWARE AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 11.1 The Nature ofSoftware 31.1.1 Defining Software 41.1.2 SoftwareApplication Domains 71.1.3 Legacy Software 91.2 Software Engineering 101.3 The Software Process 121.4 Software Engineering Practice 151.4.1 The Essence ofPractice 161.4.2 GeneralPrinciples 171.5 Software Myths 191.6 Summary 22PROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDER 22FURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCES 23PART ONE THE SOFTWARE PROCESSCHAPTER 2 PROCESS MODELS 262.1 A Generic Process Model Defining aFrameworkActivity 282.1,2 Identifying a Task Set 302.1.3 Process Patterns 312.2 Prescriptive Process Models 322.2.1 The WaterfalIModel 342.2.2 IncrementalProcess Models 362.2.3 EvolutionaryProcessModels 37 .2.2.4 Concurrent Models 43 .2.2.5 AFinalWordonEvolutionaryProcesses 44 .2.3 Specialized Process Models 452.3.1 Component-BasedDevelopment 452.3.2 The Formal Methods Model 46 .2.3.3 Aspect-Oriented Software Development 472.4 The Unified Process 482.4.1 ABriefHistory 492.4.2 Phases ofthe Unified Process 492.5 Process Technology 512.6 Product and Process 522.7 Summary 53PROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDER 54FURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCES 55CHAPTER 3 AGILE DEVELOPMENT 563.1 WhatIsAgility? 583.2 Agility and the Cost ofChange 583.3 Whatls anAgile Process? 593.3.1 Agility Principles 603.3.2 The Politics ofAgile Development 61 . '3.3.3 Human Factors 623.4 Extreme Programming (XP) 633.4.1 XP Values 633.4.2 The XP Process 643.4.3 Industrial XP 683.4.4 The XP Debate 693.5 OtherAgile Process Models 713.5.1 Adaptive Software Development (ASD) 723.5.2 Scrum 73……PAPT WTO MODELINGPAPT THREE QUALITY MANAGEMENTPAPT FOUR MANAGING SOFTWARE PROJECTS


版权页:插图:A manifesto is normally associated with an emerging political move mentonettiat attacks the old guard and suggests revolutionary change (hopefully for the better). In some ways, that's exactly what agile development is all about.Although the underlying ideas that gLude agile development have been with us for many years, it has been less than two decades since these ideas have crystallized into a "movement." In essence, agilel methods were developed in an effort to over- come perceived and actual weaknesses in conventional sofiware engineering. Agite development can provide important benefits, but it is not applicable to all projects, atl products, all people, and all situations. It is also not antithetical to solid sofiware engineering practice and can be applied as an overriding philosophy for all software work. In the modem economy, it is often difficult or impossible to predict how acomputer-based system (e.g., a Web-based application)wiil evolve as time passes.Market conditions change rapidly, end-user needs evolve, and new competitivethreats emerge without warning. m many situations, you won't be able to define requirements fully before the project begins. You must be agile enough to respond toa fluid business environment.


Roger Pressman编写的这部翔实而全面的软件工程指南,广泛适合软件工程专业的学生及投身软件工程实践或需要参与这种实践的软件开发人员和管理人员。  ——《IEEE Software》这是一本经典的现代教材,叙述清晰而又具有权威性。本书包含大量插图、例子、习题和参考资料……如果读者心存疑问:“软件工程是什么?它现在在哪里?”那么最好阅读这本书。  ——《ACM Computing Reviews》






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