
出版时间:1997-6  出版社:中国建筑工业出版社  作者:蔡慧俭  页数:200  


  经过几十年的探索,外语教学界许多人认为,工科院校外语教学的主要目的,应该是:“使学生能够利用外语这个工具,通过阅读去获取国外的与本专业有关的科技信息。”这既是我们建设有中国特色的社会主义的客观需要,也是在当前条件下工科院校外语教学可能完成的最高目标。事实上,教学大纲规定要使学生具有“较强”的阅读能力,而对其他方面的能力只有“一般”要求,就是这个意思。  大学本科的一、二年级,为外语教学的基础阶段。就英语来说,这个阶段要求掌握的词汇量为2400个(去掉遗忘,平均每个课时10个单词)。加上中学阶段已经学会的工600个单词,基础阶段结束时应掌握的词汇量为4000个。仅仅掌握4000个单词,能否看懂专业英文书刊呢?还不能。据统计,掌握4000个单词,阅读一般的英文科技文献,生词量仍将有6%左右,即平均每百词有六个生词,还不能自由阅读。国外的外语教学专家认为,生词量在3,






  Demand for construction work。like demand for products and services of all kinds,is avariable which changes for many reasons.(a)Pofitical decisions and legislation Public authorities account for roughly 40%of total demand for new non-housing work.Itfollows that sizeable variations in total demand can result from variations in demand from pub-lic authorities.The client with the biggest annual demand is central government’and this de-mand is translated specifically into work for the construction industry or direct employees ofpublic authorities by the various government departments.”(b)Industrial and social factors  The decision of oPEC to increase the price of oil had a far-reaching effect on energy poli-cy.②It increased costs of energy for transportation’fighting,power,heating and the cost ofoil-based products。Since that shattering event,energy needs and methods of meeting themhave never been out of the news for long。The whole question of oil supplies for the future hasbeen examined and re..examined and the offshore oil supplies have made a significant contribu-,tion to the problems So far as the UK and some other countries are concerned.  The oil price increase also had the effect of making it essential to look to alternativesources of energy.The coal industry has put forward plans for new mines to produce goodquality Coal。with sufficient reserves to last for many years.These plans when approved,willprovide work for the construction industry for years to come.



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