
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:建筑工业出版社  作者:蔡君  页数:292  


  随着我国高等院校双语化教学趋势的发展,为园林专业师生提供一本语言规范、题材广泛、覆盖园林专业课程的主要内容、语言难易程度切合学生实际水平的专业英语教材,已经成为一种需要。  本教材主要选材于美国相关大学园林专业本科课程——园林概论(Introduction to Landscape Architecture)所列主要教材和参考书目。作者选择了一部分20世纪60-80年代美国经典园林教材的内容,同时也注意选录一些90年代以后比较有影响的园林专业著述的部分章节,以延长时效,增加教材的时代感和新鲜活力。基于认识逻辑以及便利教学的考虑,本书按照园林概述、园林历史、园林设计要素及方法、20世纪园林实践的顺序来编排。在语言的难易程度上,课文语言更规范,更易理解,而阅读材料(Rading:Material)主要收入一些与课文相关的文章,有些更具个人观点,是课程的拓展部分,以加深学生对一些专业理论、观点的全面理解。  本教材旨在帮助读者提高园林专业英语文献的阅读理解能力,同时改善专业英语的翻译(英一汉,汉一英)、写作、交流能力。另外,通过对本教材的学习和阅读,也能够提高园林专业人员理解及鉴赏不同文化背景之下园林发展的历史脉络,同时将这种理解转化为有效的交流和互动,从而增强园林规划及设计能力。  本教材可作为园林、城市规划及其相关专业本科生和研究生的专业英语教材,也可供上述相关专业的教师、科研人员和设计人员参考。  本教材的框架和素材搜集主要由蔡君完成,并且具体负责第1课、第3课至第9课以及第14课的课文及阅读材料、第18课阅读材料的编辑整理工作;张文英主要负责第10课、第11课以及第13课阅读材料的选材工作,并具体负责第2课、第10课至第13课、第15课至第18课的课文及阅读材料的编辑整理工作。  感谢北京林业大学园林学院李雄教授在百忙之中对本书进行了认真审校,并提出了中肯的建议。  鉴于作者视野和学术能力的局限,在文章选材和编排等方面存在的不足之处,恳请读者和使用者批评指正。








  The criteria of functional performance and ecological fitness can be judged with a grea- ter degree of objectivity than aesthetic value. That is, there is more likely to be disagree-ment on aesthetic criteria because opinions about what is visually appropriate and attractive vary enormously. This is the case not only when we consider different peoples opinions,but one person~~s taste may vary markedly during their lifetime or even from day to day ac-cording to their mood. When assessing the aesthetic success of a planting scheme the desig-ner should certainly ask "Do I like it?" and, if so, "Why?" or, if not, "Why not?" Butif we are to give full and systematic answers to the questions of aesthetics we need to de-velop an understanding of the aesthetic characteristics of plants and the effects of thesewhen they are combined in planting composition.  In addition to a personal analysis of the aesthetics of planting it is essential for the de-signer to ask "Does the client like it?" (that is, does it satisfy the person or persons com-missioning the work?)and "Do the users like it?" The taste of the client and other users ofa landscape may be different from that of a trained designer and it is essefltial to under-stand and provide for their various preferences and needs. As designers we may have astrongly individual style and firm opinions about aesthetics but if we do not achieve plant-ing which is appreciated and enjoyed by the client and the users we are simply not doingour job.




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