
出版时间:2010-2  出版社:贝尔特·比勒费尔德、伊莎贝拉·斯奇巴、吴寒亮、 何玮珂 中国建筑工业出版社 (2010-02出版)  作者:(德) 比勒费尔德 (西) 斯奇巴 著  页数:199  




  设计是建筑物建造的必需条件。首先,建筑物必须在方案图和施工图上呈现出来。通常情况下,设计的第一阶段是方案草图设计,如设计简图或者透视图,其目的是确定建筑物的形式和设计方案。本书介绍的内容是在第一阶段已完成之后才开始进行的工作。在接下来的时间里,首先是将设计简图转化成具有精确几何比例的设计图:工程图纸。工程图纸描述了在设计或者施工过程中将出现的情况及其详细过程,是建筑物建造过程中必不可少的资源。  这套基础教材旨在从教学目的出发,以一种适应练习的方式来给出内容。我们将向读者介绍建筑学中不同专业领域的培训内容,并以一种简洁、系统的方式来讲述这些基础知识。  本书面向建筑学和土木工程专业的低年级学生,以及初学建筑制图和工程制图的读者,尤其是大学课程对工程制图要求进行相关基础知识的准备,而学生必须通过自学来得到这些基础知识。其中的难点在于规范建筑制图的大量的ISO标准,而这些国际标准大部分是基于德国的DIN标准(例如纸张的版式)。然而,如果不注意这些通常的规则,就没有正确的途径来准备和开展设计或者制图工作。建筑制图始终是个人设计的一种自我表现,具有个人的格调。


作者:(德国)贝尔特·比勒费尔德 (西班牙)伊莎贝拉·斯奇巴 译者:吴寒亮 何玮珂




插图:It forms the zero line of the section, i.e. the entrance level for the building. All heights are developed vertically upwards on this line (upper floors) and downwards (basement floors): to do this, the edges of the intersected walls are simply extended to an appropriate level in relation to the zero line. El- evations should be constructed only on the basis of the heights marked in the sections. It is simplest to trace the external outlines of the sections and add windows, doors and ground connections by placing plan views underneath.The aim of the preliminary planning is to clarify and illustrate the cuhature of the building, the distribution of space and the way the build- ing fits in with its surroundings, in terms of a provisional arrangement and provisional dimensions. Structural elements are usually presented without indication of materials, so that at first it is only possible to identify which elements are intersected.In elevations, all the visible edges are represented by an unbroken line. The thickness of the unbroken line depends on scale, relevance (walls are more important than a door handle, for example) and the degree of de- tailing in the building. Thus, the outlines of the external walls and their apertures are emphasized most strongly.Finishing details such as toilets, kitchen or furniture are given in top view and elevation, to illustrate the design. Furnishings are important to inexperienced clients as a yardstick for size ratios in housing construction in particular, so that they can understand proportions and the size of rooms.Representing trees, people and the external areas clarifies how the building fits into its surroundings while providing a background that does not conceal information. Proportions and scale can he conveyed better by showing objects whose size or proportions are f~miliar even to the unprac- tised eye. This is called establishing scale, and the individual items are scale-establishing objects. These "extras" are mostly used only at the preliminary and design stages, and for competition and presentation draw- ings.Dimensioning is restricted to rough measurements in preliminary design planning. In plan views, external dimensions and important room dimensions are given in order to make room sizes and overall measurements comprehensible, Individual projections and recesses, and door and window apertures, are not usually dimensioned.In elevations, only important height dimensions such as eaves and ridge height are given; in sections the room or floor heights appear as well.Labelling is also restricted to simple identification of rooms by function and the estimated areas of the rooms in. square metres.






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  •   标题是工程制图,里面的内容都是建筑制图。

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