
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:中国铁道出版社  作者:闵丽平 编  页数:126  字数:202000  


  随着国际交往的加强和国内旅游业的发展,铁路作为窗口单位,对服务质量提出了更高的要求,尤其2008年北京奥运会的举办,对铁路客运工作人员掌握英语日渐迫切。本书正是针对这种形势,根据铁路高职教育铁道运输专业教学计划“铁路客运英语”课程教学大纲编写而成。本书是铁路职业教育铁道部规划教材,可供高职铁道运输专业使用,也可作为客运职工自学英语的教材。  本教材在编写过程中充分考虑铁路客运英语的特点和学生的知识结构,内容安排由浅入深、循序渐进;每一单元由语音、客运英语会话、课文和奥运专题会话四大板块组成。语音部分重点讲解了国际音标、读音规则、句子重音以及意群和停顿等内容,标准的发音是学好英语的基础;客运英语会话以加强客运英语的口语训练为主,针对铁路客运服务中遇到的各种语言环境,进行练习,针对性强。课文部分全部选自有关客运方面的题材,选材新颖,内容丰富,趣味性强;奥运专题会话板块主要为配合北京奥运会,普及奥运知识,提高学生英语会话水平而设立的。  学生通过学习本教材,不仅可以掌握基本的语音知识,为口语学习奠定良好的基础;而且可以掌握车站和列车上的服务用语,为外国旅客提供便捷、周到的服务。




Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Unit Four
Unit Five
Unit Six
Unit Seven
Unit Eight
Unit Nine
Useful Words and Phrases


  Z ( Direct Express)  Though its name in Chinese (Zhida, hence the Z Prefix) implies a "non-stop" train, most of these trains have several stops between the two stations. The majority have soft sleepers or soft seats, while very few have hard sleepers. T (Express) It has few stops along its route, only in major cities, or in some instances for short refue- ling. The standard pronunciation on the railway system is "Te" in Chinese, which most people spell as "T" in English. K (Fast) It stops at some important stations. The standard pronunciation on the railway system is "Kuai"in Chinese, which most people spell as "K" in English.General Fast Train The "general fast" (Pukuai for short) is in reality a euphemism for slower passenger trains thatstop at around half of the stations along the way, and is often a tedious ride. It is indicated by a nu-meric prefix smaller between 1 -5 and always has four digits in its number.  ……



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