
出版时间:201004  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:Mrinal Mandal,Amir Asif  页数:865  


  The book is primarily intended for instruction in an upper-level undergraduateor a first-year graduate course in the field of signal processing in electricaland computer engineering.Practising engineers would find the book usefulfor reference or for self study.Our main motivation in writing the book iS todeal with continuous-time(CT)and discrete-time(DT)signals and systemsseparately.Many instructors have realized that covering CT and DT systems inparallel with each other often confuses students to the extent where they are notclear if a particular concept applies to a CT system,to a DT system.or to both.In this book,we treat DT and CT signals and systems. Separately.FollowingPart I,which provides an in~oduction to signals and systems,Part II focuses onCT signals and systems.Since many students are familiar with the theory of CTsignals and systems from earlier courses,Part II Call be taught to such studentswith relative ease.For students who are new to this area,we have supplementedthe material covered in Part 11 with appendices.which are included at the endof the book.Appendices A-F cover background material on complex numbers.partial fraction expansion,difierential equations,difference equations,and areview of the basic signal processing instructions available in M A T L A B.PartIII,which covers DT signals and systems.can either be covered independentlyor in cortiunction with Part II. The book focuses on linear time.invariant(LTI)systems and iS organized asfollows.Chapters 1 and 2 introduce signals and systems.including their math-ematical and graphical interpretations.In Chapter 1.we cover the classificationbetween CT and DT signals and we provide several practical examples in whichCT and DT signals are observed.Chapter 2 defines systems as transformationsthat process the input signals and produce outputs in response to the appliedinputs.Practical examples of CT and DT systems are included in Chapter 2.The remaining fifteen chapters of the book are divided into two parts.PartII constitutes Chapters 3-8 of the book and focuses primarily on the theoriesand applications of CT signals and systems.Part III comprises Chapters 9——17and deals with the theories and applications of DT signals and systems.Theorganization of Parts II and III is described below.


本书涵盖了连续与离散时间信号与系统的方方面面。全书内容分为三大部分,分别为信号与系统概述、连续时间信号与系统,以及离散时间信号与系统。书中还有大量的例题和习题,供学生巩固所学内容。    本书既可作为高等院校电子电气等相关专业学生的参考教材,又可供电子电气工程师参考。


Mrinal Mandal加拿大阿尔伯塔大学电气与计算机工程系副教授。主要研究兴趣包括多媒体信号处理、医用图像与视频分析、图像与视频压缩,以及用于实时信号与图像处理的VLSI架构。


Part I Introduction to signals and systems   1 Introduction to signals     1.1 Classification of signals     1.2 Elementary signals     1.3 Signal operations     1.4 Signal implementation with MATLAB     1.5 Summary     Problems   2 Introduction to systems     2.1 Examples of systems     2.2 Classification of systems    2.3 Interconnection of systems     2.4 Summary     Problems Part II Continuous-time signals and systems   3 Time-domain analysis of LTIC systems     3.1 Representation of LTIC systems     3.2 Representation of signals using Dirac delta functions     3.3 Impulse response of a system     3.4 Convolution integral    3.5 Graphical method for evaluating the convolution integral     3.6 Properties of the convolution integral    3.7 Impulse response of LTIC systems     3.8 Experiments with MATLAB    3.9 Summary     Problems   4 Signal representation using Fourier series     4.1 Orthogonal vector space     4.2 Orthogonal signal space     4.3 Fourier basis functions     4.4 Trigonometric CTFS     4.5 Exponential Fourier series    4.6 Properties of exponential CTFS     4.7 Existence of Fourier series     4.8 Application of Fourier series     4.9 Summary     Problems   5 Continuous-time Fourier transform     5.1 CTFT for aperiodic signals     5.2 Examples of CTFT     5.3 Inverse Fourier transform     5.4 Fourier transform of real, even, and odd functions     5.5 Properties of the CTFT     5.6 Existence of the CTFT    5.7 CTFT of periodic functions     5.8 CTFS coefficients as samples of CTFT     5.9 LTIC systems analysis using CTFT     5.10 MATLAB exercises     5.11 Summary     Problems   6 Laplace transform    6.1 Analytical development     6.2 Unilateral Laplace transform     6.3 Inverse Laplace transform     6.4 Properties of the Laplace transform    6.5 Solution of differential equations     6.6 Characteristic equation, zeros, and poles     6.7 Properties of the ROC     6.8 Stable and causal LTIC systems     6.9 LTIC systems analysis using Laplace transform    6.10 Block diagram representations     6.11 Summary     Problems   7 Continuous-time filters     7.1 Filter classification     7.2 Non-ideal filter characteristics     7.3 Design of CT lowpass filters     7.4 Frequency transformations     7.5 Summary     Problems   8 Case studies for CT systems     8.1 Amplitude modulation of baseband signals    8.2 Mechanical spring damper system     8.3 Armature-controlled dc motor     8.4 Immune system in humans     8.5 Summary     Problems Part III Discrete-time signals and systems   9 Sampling and quantization     9.1 Ideal impulse-train sampling     9.2 Practical approaches to sampling    9.3 Quantization     9.4 Compact disks     9.5 Summary     Problems   10 Time-domain analysis of discrete-time systems systems     10.1 Finite-difference equation representation of LTID systems     10.2 Representation of sequences using Dirac delta functions    10.3 Impulse response of a system    10.4 Convolution sum     10.5 Graphical method for evaluating the convolution sum    10.6 Periodic convolution     10.7 Properties of the convolution sum     10.8 Impulse response of LTID systems     10.9 Experiments with MATLAB     10.10 Summary     Problems   11 Discrete-time Fourier series and transform     11.1 Discrete-time Fourier series     11.2 Fourier transform for aperiodic functions    11.3 Existence of the DTFT     11.4 DTFT of periodic functions    11.5 Properties of the DTFT and the DTFS     11.6 Frequency response of LTID systems     11.7 Magnitude and phase spectra     11.8 Continuous-and discrete-time Fourier transforms    11.9 Summary     Problems  12 Discrete Fourier transform     12.1 Continuous to discrete Fourier transform     12.2 Discrete Fourier transform    12.3 Spectrum analysis using the DFT     12.4 Properties of the DFT     12.5 Convolution using the DFT     12.6 Fast Fourier transform     12.7 Summary     Problems   13 The z-transform     13.1 Analytical development    13.2 Unilateral z-transform     13.3 Inverse z-transform     13.4 Properties of the z-transform    13.5 Solution of difference equations    13.6 z-transfer function of LTID systems    13.7 Relationship between Laplace and z-transforms    13.8 Stabilty analysis in the z-domain    13.9 Frequency-response calculation in the z-domain    13.10 DTFT and the z-transform     13.11 Experiments with MATLAB    13.12 Summary     Problems  14 Digital filters     14.1 Filter classification     14.2 FIR and IIR filters     14.3 Phase of a digital filter    14.4 Ideal versus non-ideal filters     14.5 Filter realization     14.6 FIR filters     14.7 IIR filters     14.8 Finite precision effect     14.9 MATLAB examples    14.10 Summary    Problems   15 FIR filter design    15.1 Lowpass filter design using windowing method    15.2 Design of highpass filters using windowing    15.3 Design of bandpass filters using windowing     15.4 Design of a bandstop filter using windowing    15.5 Optimal FIR filters     15.6 MATLAB examples    15.7 Summary    Problems   16 IIR filter design     16.1 IIR filter design principles    16.2 Impulse invariance    16.3 Bilinear transformation    16.4 Designing highpass, bandpass, and bandstop IIR filters    16.5 IIR and FIR filters    16.6 Summary     Problems  17 Applications of digital signal processing    17.1 Spectral estimation     17.2 Digital audio     17.3 Audio filtering     17.4 Digital audio compression    17.5 Digital images     17.6 Image filtering    17.7 Image compression    17.8 Summary     Problems   Appendix A Mathematical preliminaries     A.1 Trigonometric identities    A.2 Power series    A.3 Series summation     A.4 Limits and differential calculus    A.5 Indefinite integrals  Appendix B Introduction to the complex-number system    B.1 Real-number system     B.2 Complex-number system     B.3 Graphical interpertation of complex numbers    B.4 Polar representation of complex numbers    B.5 Summary     Problems  Appendix C Linear constant-coefficient differential equations    C.1 Zero-input response     C.2 Zero-state response     C.3 Complete response  Appendix D Partial fraction expansion     D.1 Laplace transform     D.2 Continuous-time Fourier transform     D.3 Discrete-time Fourier transform     D.4 The z-transform   Appendix E Introduction to MATLAB     E.1 Introduction    E.2 Entering data into MATLAB     E.3 Control statements     E.4 Elementary matrix operations     E.5 Plotting functions     E.6 Creating MATLAB functions    E.7 Summary   Appendix F About the CD    F.1 Interactive environment     F.2 Data    F.3 MATLAB codes  Bibliography  Index


  Signals are detectable quantities used to convey information about time-varyingphysical phenomena.Common examples of signals are human speech,temper-ature,pressure,and stock prices.Electrical signals,normally expressed in theform ofvoltage or current waveforms,are some ofthe easiest signals to generateand process. Mathematically,signals are modeled as functions ofone or more independentvariables.Examples ofindependent variables used to represent signals are time。frequency,or spatial coordinates.Before introducing the mathematical notationused to represent signals,let US consider a few physical systems associatedwith the generation of signals.Figure 1.1 illustrates some common signals andsystems encountered in different fields of engineering,with the physical sys-terns represented in the left.hand column and the associated signals included inthe right-hand column.Figure 1.1(a)is a simple electrical circuit consisting ofthree passive components:a capacitor C,an inductor L,and a resistor R.Avoltage v(t)is applied at the input ofthe RLC circuit,which produces an outputvoltage)I(,)across the capacitor.A possible waveform for),(f)is the sinnsoidalsignal showninFig.1.1(b).Thenotationsv(t)andy(t)includesboththedepen-dent variable, and Y,respectively,in the two expressions,and the independentvariable t.The notation 1,ff)implies that the voltage is a function of time t.Figure 1.1(c)shows an audio recording system where the input signal is an audioor a speech waveform.The function ofthe audio recording system is to conveathe audio signal into an electrical waveform.which is recorded on a magnetictape or a compact diSC.A possible resulting waveform for the recorded electri-cal signal is shown in Fig 1.1(d).Figure 1.1(e)shows a charge coupled device(CCD)based digital camera where the input signal is the light emitted from a scene.The incident 1ight charges a CCD panel located inside the camera,thereby storing the external scene in terms of the spatial variations of the charges Off the CCD panel.Figure 1.1(g)iUustrates a thermometer that measures the ambienttemperature ofits environment.Electronic thermometers typically use a thermal resistor.known as a thermistor,whose resistance varies with temperature.Thefluctuations in the resistance are used to measure the temperature.Figure.




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