
出版时间:1899-12  出版社:人民卫生出版社  作者:James R.Roberts编  页数:1297  字数:1300000  


"The textbook offers the reader the well-referenced clinical rationale for procedures, alternative methods where appropriate, and potential complications with advice on how to avoid them."


SECTION Ⅰ Respiratory Procedures CHAPTER 1  Basic Airway Management and Decision-Making CHAPTER 2  Tracheal Intubation CHAPTER 3  Pharmacologic Adjuncts to Intubation CHAPTER 4  Cricothyrotomy and Translaryngeal Jet Ventilation CHAPTER 5  Tracheostomy Care and Tracheal Suctioning CHAPTER 6  Noninvasive Assessment and Supoort of Oxygenation and Ventilation CHAPTER 7  Mechanical Ventilation CHAPTER 8  Thoracentesis CHAPTER 9  Tube ThoracostomySECTION Ⅱ Cardiac Procedures CHAPTER 10  Cardiosinus Massage/Cardioversion CHAPTER 11  Defibrillation CHAPTER 12  Assessment of Implanted Pacemaker/AICD Devices CHAPTER 13  Emergency Transvenous Cardiac Pacing CHAPTER 14  Emergency Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing CHAPTER 15  Pericardiocentesis and Intracardiac Injections CHAPTER 16  Artificial Perfusion During Cardiac Arrest CHAPTER 17  Resuscitative ThoracotomySECTION Ⅲ Vascular Techniques and Volume Support CHAPTER 18  Pediatric Vascular Access and Blood Sampling Techniques CHAPTER 19  Arterial Puncture and Cannulation CHAPTER 20  Peripheral Intravenous Access CHAPTER 21  Guide-Wire(Seldinger)Technique for Catheter Insertion CHAPTER 22  Venous Cutdown ……SECTION Ⅳ Anesthetic and Analgesic TechniquesSECTION Ⅴ Soft Tissue ProceduresSECTION Ⅵ Gastrointestinal ProceduresSECTION Ⅶ Musculoskeletal ProceduresSECTION Ⅷ Genitourinary ProceduresSECTION Ⅸ Obstetric and Gynecologic ProceduresSECTION Ⅹ Neurologic ProceduresSECTION Ⅺ Ophthalmologic, Otolaryngologic, and Dental ProceduresSECTION Ⅻ Vital Sign MeasurementSECTION XⅢ Special ProceduresIndex



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