
出版时间:1899-12  出版社:人民卫生出版社  作者:(美)费利格等编  页数:1562  字数:4094000  




Comtributors xxixPreface xxiiiPART Ⅰ GENERAL ENDOCRINOLOGY  1 Introduction the Endocrine System  2 The Clinical Manifestations of Endocrine Disease  3 Biosynthesis,Secretion and Metabolism of Hormones  4 Molecular Mechanisms of Hormone Action:Biology of Siganl Transdction  5 Hormone AssaysPART Ⅱ NEUROENDOGRINOLOGY AND THE PIUITARY  6 Neuroendocrinoogy  7 Diseasses of the Anterior Pituitary  8 Posterior PituitaryPART Ⅲ THYROID DISEASE  9 The Thyroid:Physiology,Thyrotoxicosis,Hypothyroidism,and the Painful Thyroid  10 The Thyroid:Nodules and NeoplasiaPART Ⅴ ADRENAL DISEASE  11 The Adrenal Cortex  12 Diseases of the Sympathochromffin System  13 Endocinologuy of Hypertension  14 Glucocorlicodid TherapyPART Ⅵ GONADAL DILEASE  15 Gonadal DISEASE  16A The Ovary :Basic principles and Concepts A.Physiology  16B The Ovary :Basic principles and Concepts B.Clinical  17 Sexual DifferentiationPART Ⅶ FUEL METABOLISM  18 Diabetes Mellitus  19 Hypoplycemia  20 Obesity  21 Disorders of Lipid MetabolismPART Ⅷ CALCIUM AND BONE METABOLISMPART Ⅸ MISCELLANEOUS DISORDERSINDEXColor plates appear between pages 830&831



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