
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:外文  作者:戴乃迭  页数:245  


In China, there are many fantastic stories and legends about the dragon. Contained in this collection are some of the finest classical and modern examples. They include "The Rakshas and the Sea Market" and "The Princess of the West Lake", both by the well-known Qing-dynasty writer Pu Songling(1640-1715),telling of the wonders of a dragon palace and of love between dragons and human beings; "Tripok Lake and the Golden Lotus Flowers", the story of how the first Chinese ruler, Huang Di, was transported to fairyland on the back of a dragon; and "The looking-to-Mother Shoal",which tells how human beings were transformed into dragons. These intriguing, entertraining tales reflect the rich imagination and high aspirations of the Chinese people.


PrefaceLi JingThe Dragon King's DaughterThe Monk Xuan ZhaoLiu GuanciMadam WeiRen XuThe Old Dame by the Fenshui RiverThe Rakshas and the Sea MarketThe Princess of the West LakeLegend of the Four DragonsDragon Dance at Lantern Festival TimeThe Bright PearlShort-Tailed Old LiThe Looking-to-Mother ShoalThe Dragon EyeOnly Eight Dragons on the RoofGeshan and Dragon PearlTwo Magic GourdsPrincess AnpoThe Gorge Opened by MistakeBaotu SpringThe Legend of Green Dragon PondDragon Mother's TempleTripod Lake and Golden Lotus FlowersMeidan the Dragon's DaughterThe Dragon King's Daughter and GuanyinThe Nine Dragons and the Tiantai MountainsThe Copper Kettle with the Leaky BottomDragon-Lions and Dragon PearlsThe Yanyu Herb and the Greedy DragonCarving DragonsThe Dragon TabletA Dragon and Phoenix MatchDragon Girl



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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   很薄很小没有中文对照个别和古代汉语对应的说法比较难理解但是书还是挺精良的
  •   通过好的故事内容,来理解单词和提高语感都有帮助
  •   还行吧全英文版的

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