
出版时间:2008-12  出版社:外文出版社  作者:第29届奥林匹克运动会组织委员会与香港马会  页数:150  


With the successful conclusion of the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, the Chinese people achieved the goals of "high-level Olympics with distinguishing features" and "two Games, equal splendour," contributing a rich cultural and sports legacy to the world.The organization of the equestrian events of the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games highlighted the concepts of "green Olympics, high-tech Olympics and people's Olympics." it created many historical firsts, and won global acclaim. This photo album accurately records the great achievements of Hong Kong in venue and facility construction, inspection and quarantine of horses, and organization and services for the equestrian events. It is a reflection of the collective efforts made by the HKSAR Government, Equestrian Committee (Hong Kong) of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad and the Hong Kong people. As an important Olympic co-host city, Hong Kong made outstanding contributions to the success of the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.I believe the publication of this book will play an important role in carrying forward the Olympic spirit and passing on the Olympic legacy, and it will further encourage people all over the world to unite and strive to make new contributions to the sound and sustained development of the Olympic movement, and the building of a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.北京2008年奥运会及残奥会已经落下帷幕.中国人民用满腔热情兑现了郑重的承诺,实现了“有特色,高水平”和“两个奥运,同样精彩”的目标,为世界人民留下了巨大而丰富的文化和体育遗产。北京奥运会和残奥会马术比赛的组织工作,充分体现了“绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运”的理念,缔造了多项历史第一,赢得了国际社会的高度赞誉。这本图文并茂的画册.真实再现了香港在场馆及设施建设、马匹检验检疫、赛事组织、赛事服务等方面取得的巨大成就,是香港特区政府、香港奥马委以及香港市民齐心协力办奥运的缩影。体现了香港作为重要协办城市,为北京奥运会残奥会成功举办做出的突出贡献。我相信,本画册的出版发行将在进一步弘扬奥运精神,传承奥运遗产等方面发挥重要的作用。并将进一步激励广大人民群众继续拼搏进取、友爱团结,为推动奥林匹克运动健康持续发展,为建设一个持久和平,共同繁荣的和谐世界做出新的贡献。


2008,奥运在北京举行,实为盛事。香港掌握百年一遇的可贵机会,成功协办奥运和残奥马术比赛。这本画册以精练的文字和珍贵的照片记录了共同经历的难忘时刻,重现香港承办2008北京奥运和残奥马术比赛项目的精彩过程。2008奥运已经定格在每个人的记忆中,而这本纪念画册进一步宣扬奥运精神,记录了从兴建马术场地开始,一直到参赛马匹踏上回国班机期间的一幅幅精彩画面,同样值得我们珍藏。   翻开精美的画册, 2008,北京,香港,这是一段绚丽的奥运马术比赛之旅……   随画册赠送在香港本地发行的马术首日封,每套价值港币50元。共2900套。







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  •   寄过来的时候书得边上都有点皱了!

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