
出版时间:2005-10  出版社:外文  作者:冯滢主编  页数:232  字数:360000  


本套丛书以高教社教程为“宗”,各项练习都紧扣课文的主题及重要的考点和句型,是各单元内容的延伸和细化。通过练习,考生能够自测对各单元的掌握情况,巩固学习效果。    我们有足够的理由来证明本套丛书的质量与优势,也有充分的自信相信您将无悔于自己的选择。    ·一课一练与教程同步配套练习。建议考生在使用时,先熟练教材,然后再有针对性地辅以同步练习,通过做题进行自测并及时查漏补缺,起到事半功倍的作用。    ·题型精而准,试题广而深。题型、题量根据本课考点进行灵活调整,保证题题精当。只需做适量的题,便可使您短期内达到迅速提高的目的。    ·全真性的模拟性紧密接轨。无论从试卷的设计、选材还是短文的篇幅、难度方面都尽量与真题保持一致,保证较高的仿真和命中率。    ·答案解析详细、透彻、精当。其中英语知识运用部分配有参考译文,阅读理解配有短文赏析,使考生轻松理解短文;通过点拨解题思路和应试技巧,让您举一反三,事半功倍。    ·考点涵盖细致、全面、针对性强。根据考试题型,每课内容以各种题型的形式予以覆盖。考过做题检查对知识的掌握程序,加深、强化对知识的理解和记忆;并可检测所学内容的掌握情况,同时增强自己的实战经验。    ·反刍式训练记忆法:本卷独创此法,模拟了偶蹄类动物将无法消化的食物再次返回嘴中咀嚼这一奇妙的消化过程,特别在试卷中设计了“反刍式记忆卡片”。考生对自己做过的试题进行过滤,做对的题目,知识点自己掌握很较好;做错的,是需要重点“关照”的,让录下来,重新学习。考生这样不断反思、不断改进,知识上的“盲点”会越来越少,直至完全消失。


Unit 1 个人情况与人们Unit 2 家与家人,环境Unit 3 天气与气候Unit 4 饮食Unit 5 闲暇活动Unit 6 日常生活Unit 7 购物Unit 8 假日Unit 9 地方Unit 10 旅游Unit 11 健康Unit 12 服务Unit 13 商业与货币Unit 14 工作与职业Unit 15 时事Unit 16 教育Unit 17 科普知识Unit 18 历史历年笔试真卷参考答案及解析听力录音材料


  In todays world, insurance plays a vital role in the economic and social welfare of the entire population. The aim of all insurance is to compensate the owner against loss arising from avariety of risks, which he anticipates, to his life, property and business. Insurance is mainly of two types: life insurance and general insurance. General insurance means Fire, Marine and Miscellaneous (混杂的)insurance which includes insurance against burglary or theft, fidelity (守信) guarantee, insurance for employer s liability (责任 ), and insurance of motor vehicles, livestock and crops.  Nearly every one is exposed to risk of some sort. The house owner knows that his property can be stolen or damaged by fire; the ship owner knows that his vessel may be lost at sea; the breadwinner knows that he may die at an early age and leave his family the poorer. On the other hand, not every house is damaged by fire or every vessel lost at sea. If these persons each put a small sum into a pool, there will be enough to meet the needs of the few who do suffer loss. In other words, the losses of the few are met from the contributions of the many. This is the basis of insurance. Those who pay the contribution are known as "insured" and those who administer the pool of contribution as "insurers".


  为什么购买此书?  ·完全配套高教社教程同步使用;  ·按课文顺序,一课一练;  ·用每课考点设题,重点训练;  ·启发“反刍式训练法”,巩固效果;  ·配套磁带,纯正美音。





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