
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:外文出版社  作者:国家体育总局健身气功管理中心 编著  页数:158  


  Health Qigong — 12-Step Daoyin Health Preservation Exercises, as
a new series of qigong exercises, was designed and compiled by the
Chinese Health Qigong Association. It consists of 12 steps of
exercises from over 50 routines of Daoyin health qigong developed
since 1974 by Zhang Guangde, a professor from the Beijing Sports
University. Based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine
concerning viscera and meridians, yin-yang and the Five Elements,
and qi and blood, this new set of qigong exercises combines Daoyin
with healthcare,limb exercises and mental cultivation, being
graceful in movements, easy-to-learn, suitable for all ages, and
effective for keeping good health and prolonging life.




国家体育总局健身气功管理中心编写的这本《健身气功:导引养生功十二法》的英文内容简介如下:    Health Qigong — 12-Step Daoyin Health Preservation Exercises, as a new series of qigong exercises, was designed and compiled by the Chinese Health Qigong Association. It consists of 12 steps of exercises from over 50 routines of Daoyin health qigong developed since 1974 by Zhang Guangde, a professor from the Beijing Sports University. Based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine concerning viscera and meridians, yin-yang and the Five Elements, and qi and blood, this new set of qigong exercises combines Daoyin with healthcare,limb exercises and mental cultivation, being graceful in movements, easy-to-learn, suitable for all ages, and effective for keeping good health and prolonging life.    本书是德文版。



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