
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:电子工业  作者:克罗恩克  页数:675  字数:1114000  


本书从基础、设计和实现三个层面介绍数据库处理技术,内容全面详实,既包括数据库设计、数据库实现、多用户数据处理、数据访问标准等经典理论,也包括商务智能、XML和NET等最新技术。    本书在内容编排和写作风格新疑,强调学习过程中的乐趣,围绕两个贯串全书的项目练习,让读者从一开始就能把所学的知识用于解决具体的应用实例。    本书每章都有丰富的习题,可作为高校本科生或研究生的数据库课程的双语教材,同时也是一本很好的专业参考书。


Part1:Getting Started  Chapter1: Introduction    The Characteristics of Databases    Database Examples    Components of a Database System    The Database    Database Design    What You Need to Learn    A Brief History of Database Processing  Chapter2:Introduction to Structured Query Language    SQL Background    Cape Codd Outdoor Sports    The SQL SELECT/FROM/WHERE Framework    Continuation of SQL for Querying a Single Table    Performing Calculations in SQL Queries    Grouping    Looking for Patterns in NASDAQ Trading    Querying Two or More Tables with SQLPart2:Database Design  Chapter3:The Relational Model and Normalization    Relational Model Terminology    Normal Forms  Chapter4:Database Design Using Normalization    Assess Table Structure    Designing Updatabe Databases    Designing Read-Only Databases    Common Design Problems  Chapter5:Data Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model  Chapter6:Transforming Data Models into Database DesignsPart3:Database implementation'  Chapter7:SQL for Database Construction and Application Processing  Chapter8:Database RedesignPart4:Multiuser Database Processing  Chapter9:Managing Multiuser Databases  Chapter10:Managing Databases with Oracle  Chapter11:mANAGING Databases with SQL Server2000Part5:Database Access Standards  Chapter12:ODBC,OLEDB ADO ,and ASP  Chapter13:XML and ADO.NET  Chapter14:JDBC,Java Server Pages,and MySQLPart6:Conclusion  Chapter15:Database Processing For Business intelligence SystemsAppendix A Introduction to Microsoft AccessAppendix B The IDEF1X StandardAppendix C UML-Style Entity-Relationship DiagramsAppendix D Data Structures for Database ProcessingAppendix E The Semantic Object ModelBibliographyGlossaryIndex




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  •   讲得很实际,也很易懂,没有复杂的数学公式,用非常精炼的语言描述了数据库理论。

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