
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:樊任军,王首义 编  页数:157  


  《计算机专业英语》是由信息产业部国家信息化培训认证管理办公室、部分高职(中职)院校共同研发的“任务驱动式”特色系列教材之一。教材内容的组织体系与职教计算机专业学生技能结构有机地结合,以实际的职业岗位技能为主线进行编写,《计算机专业英语》将专业英语的内容与实际的IT职业岗位技能、任务和项目无缝结合,进行专业英语能力的培养与强化。  《计算机专业英语》易学易教,学生学得懂,用得上,兴趣高。  《计算机专业英语》共分18个单元。内容与中等职业学校计算机专业应用技能模块相结合,涉及计算机系统、硬件、组装、维护、外设、计算机病毒、操作系统、办公自动化、程序设计语言、数据库管理系统、多媒体技术、网络、Internet网站建设、网页制作、数字信号处理,以及新一代因特网IPv6协议等方面英语的应用。  《计算机专业英语》与计算机的技能模块相结合,是中等职业学校培养技能型、应用型和操作型复合人才的“技能类”教材与参考书,是职业资格认证的培训用书,是中等职业学校学生提升职业技能、增强就业竞争力、通过计算机技能认证及英语等级考试的教学与自学教材。  《计算机专业英语》还配有电子教案及习题答案。  《计算机专业英语》配有电子教学参考资料包!


Unit 1 Using KeyboardTechnical Skill 1: Mastering GoalTask-1 Using KeyboardTask-2 Lets Go Deep into Their FunctionsTask-3 Little Game for Combined KeysTechnical Skill 2: Nuclear WordsTechnical Skill 3: Practice and EnhancementTask-1 Notice to the TextTask-2 Phrase and AbbreviationTask-3 Your Understanding CheckTechnical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis DevelopmentTask-1 Using Combined KeysTask-2 Print ScreenUnit 2 Hardware and SoftwareTechnical Skill 1: Mastering GoalTask-1 Getting to Know the Hardware of a ComputerTask-2 Hardware and SoftwareTechnical Skill 2: Nuclear WordsTechnical Skill 3: Practice and EnhancementTask-1 Notice to the TextTask-2 Phrase and AbbreviationTask-3 Your Understanding CheckTechnical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis DevelopmentTask-1 Install One Assembled PCTask-2 Fix the Data Wires of Hard Disk and CD-ROM DriverUnit 3 Input and Output DevicesTechnical Skill 1: Mastering GoalTask-1 Structure of ComputerTask-2 Input DevicesTask-3 Output DevicesTechnical Skill 2: Nuclear WordsTechnical Skill 3: Practice and EnhancementTask-1 Notice to the TextTask-2 Phrase and AbbreviationTask-3 Your Understanding CheekTechnical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis DevelopmentTask-1 Three Kinds of BusesTask-2 MouseUnit 4 Binary Number SystemTechnical Skill 1: Mastering GoalTask-1 Meet a Binary FileTask-2 CPU Only Understand 0 or 1Task-3 Binary Number SystemTechnical Skill 2: Nuclear WordsTechnical Skill 3: Practice and EnhancementTask-1 Notice to the TextTask-2 Phrase and AbbreviationTask-3 Your Understanding CheckTechnical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis DevelopmentTask-1 CMOS SetupTask-2 MemoryUnit 5 Secondary StorageTechnical Skill 1: Mastering GoalTask-1 Typical Secondary StorageTask-2 Floppy DiskTask-3 Hard DiskTechnical Skill 2: Nuclear WordsTechnical Skill 3: Practice and Enhancement,Task-1 Notice to the TextTask-2 Phrase and AbbreviationTask-3 Your Understanding CheckTechnical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis DevelopmentTask-1 USBTask-2 Set up Boot-up Sequence by the CMOSUnit 6 Problems When Booting UpTechnical Skill 1: Mastering GoalTask-1 POST and PasswordTask-2 Not a System DisketteTechnical Skill 2: Nuclear WordsTechnical Skill 3: Practice and EnhancementTask-1 Notice to the textTask-2 Phrase and AbbreviationTask-3 Your Understanding CheckTechnical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis DevelopmentTask-1 Interface Circuit and BusTask-2 Fatal Damage OccurredUnit 7 Operating SystemUnit 8 Anti VirusesUnit 9 Office AutomationUnit 10 C Programming LanguageUnit 11 Access DatabaseUnit 12 Working with Digital ImagesUnit 13 NetworkUnit 14 InternetUnit 15 Making WebsiteUnit 16 You can Control a RobotUnit 17 IP AddressUnit 18 IPv6 will Change our World附录A 缩略词附录B 词缀附录C 核心单词汇总附录D 参考答案参考文献



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