
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:沃尔夫  页数:627  


本书全面介绍现代VLSI芯片最新设计技术和方法,并重点讨论基于IP核的SoC设计方法。书中反映出了SOC芯片设计的新进展以及新技术。全书共分8章。内容包括数字系统与VLSI,制造与器件,逻辑门,组合逻辑电路网络,时序电路状态机,版图设计以及体系结构设计。每章末尾均附有难度不同的习题。附录中还提供了丰富而实用的词汇表以及硬件描述语言介绍。  本书可作为高校电子工程、计算机科学与工程、微电子半导体等专业的高年级本科生和研究生的教材或教学参考书,同时也非常适合作为从事芯片设计的工程师以及从事该领域的研究和开发的工程技术人员的参考书。


  Wayne Wolf is Rhesa "Ray" S. Farmer Jr. Distinguished Chair in Embedded Computing Systems and Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Before joining Georgia Tech, he was with Princeton University from 1989 to 2007 and AT&T Bell Laboratories from 1984 to 1989. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1980, 1981, and 1984, respectivel


Chapter 1 Digital Systems and VLSI   1.1 Why Design Integrated Circuits?  1.2 Integrated Circuit Manufacturing  1.3 CMOS Technology  1.4 Integrated Circuit Design Techniques  1.5 IP-Based Design  1.6 A Look into the Future  1.7 Summary  1.8 References  1.9 Problems Chapter 2 Fabrication and Devices  2.1 Introduction  2.2 Fabrication Processes  2.3 Transistors  2.4 Wires and Vias  2.5 Fabrication Theory and Practice  2.6 Reliability  2.7 Layout Design and Tools  2.8  References 2.9  ProblemsChapter 3 Logic Gates 3.1 Introduction 3.2  Combinational Logic Functions 3.3  Static Complementary Gates 3.4  Switch Logic   3.5  Alternative Gate Circuits 3.6  Low-Power Gates 3.7  Delay through Resistive Interconnect 3.8  Delay through Inductive Imerconnect 3.9  Design-for-Yield  3.10 Gates as IP 3.11 References 3.12 ProblemsChapter 4 Combinational Logic Networks  4.1  Introduction 4.2  Standard Cell-Based Layout ……Chapter 5 Sequential MachinesChapter 6 Subsystem DesignChapter 7 FloorplanningChapter 8 Architecture DesignAppendix A A Chip Designer's LexiconAppendix B Hardware Description LanguagesReferencesIndex



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