
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:(美)多尔夫,(美)毕晓普 著  页数:1103  字数:2017000  




作者:(美)Richard C. Dorf,(美)Robert H. Bishop


CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Control Systems
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Brief History of Automatic Control
1.3 Examples of Control Systems
1.4 Engineering Design
1.5 Control System Design
1.6 Mechatronic Systems
1.7 Green Engineering
1.8 The Future Evolution of Control Systems
1.9 Design Examples
1.10 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
1.11 Summary
CHAPTER 2 Mathematical Models of Systems
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Differential Equatio of Physical Systems
2.3 Linear Approximatio of Physical Systems
2.4 The Laplace Traform
2.5 The Trafer Function of Linear Systems
2.6 Block Diagram Models
2.7 Signal-Flow Graph Models
2.8 Design Examples
2.9 The Simulation of Systems Using Control Design Software
2.10 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
2.11 Summary
CHAPTER 3 State Variable Models
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The State Variables of a Dynamic System
3.3 The State Differential Equation
3.4 Signal-Flow Graph and Block Diagram Models
3.5 Alternative Signal-Flow Graph and Block Diagram Models
3.6 The Trafer Function from the State Equation
3.7 The Time Respoe and the State Traition Matrix
3.8 Design Examples
3.9 Analysis of State Variable Models Using Control Design
3.10 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
3.11 Summary
CHAPTER 4 Feedback Control System Characteristics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Error Signal Analysis
4.3 Seitivity of Control Systems to Parameter Variatio
4.4 Disturbance Signals in a Feedback Control System
4.5 Control of the Traient Respoe
4.6 Steady-State Error
4.7 The Cost of Feedback
4.8 Design Examples
4.9 Control System Characteristics Using Control Design Software
4.10 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
4.11 Summary
CHAPTER 5 The Performance of Feedback Control Systems
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Test Input Signals
5.3 Performance of Second-Order Systems
5.4 Effects of a Third Pole and a Zero on the Second-Order System
5.5 The s-Plane Root Location and the Traient Respoe
5.6 The Steady-State Error of Feedback Control Systems
5.7 Performance Indices
5.8 The Simplification of Linear Systems
5.9 Design Examples
5.10 System Performance Using Control Design Software
5.11 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
5.12 Summary
CHAPTER 6 The Stability of Linear Feedback Systems
6.1 The Concept of Stability
6.2 The Routh–Hurwitz Stability Criterion
6.3 The Relative Stability of Feedback Control Systems
6.4 The Stability of State Variable Systems
6.5 Design Examples
6.6 System Stability Using Control Design Software
6.7 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
6.8 Summary
CHAPTER 7 The Root Locus Method
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The Root Locus Concept
7.3 The Root Locus Procedure
7.4 Parameter Design by the Root Locus Method
7.5 Seitivity and the Root Locus
7.6 PID Controlle
7.7 Negative Gain Root Locus
7.8 Design Examples
7.9 The Root Locus Using Control Design Software
7.10 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
7.11 Summary
CHAPTER 8 Frequency Respoe Methods
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Frequency Respoe Plots
8.3 Frequency Respoe Measurements
8.4 Performance Specificatio in the Frequency Domain
8.5 Log Magnitude and Phase Diagrams
8.6 Design Examples
8.7 Frequency Respoe Methods Using Control Design Software
8.8 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
8.9 Summary
CHAPTER 9 Stability in the Frequency Domain
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Mapping Contou in the s-Plane
9.3 The Nyquist Criterion
9.4 Relative Stability and the Nyquist Criterion
9.5 Time-Domain Performance Criteria in the Frequency Domain
9.6 System Bandwidth
9.7 The Stability of Control Systems with Time Delays
9.8 Design Examples
9.9 PID Controlle in the Frequency Domain
9.10 Stability in the Frequency Domain Using Control Design
9.11 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
9.12 Summary
CHAPTER 10 The Design of Feedback Control Systems
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Approaches to System Design
10.3 Cascade Compeation Networks
10.4 Phase-Lead Design Using the Bode Diagram
10.5 Phase-Lead Design Using the Root Locus
10.6 System Design Using Integration Networks
10.7 Phase-Lag Design Using the Root Locus
10.8 Phase-Lag Design Using the Bode Diagram
10.9 Design on the Bode Diagram Using Analytical Methods
10.10 Systems with a Prefilter
10.11 Design for Deadbeat Respoe
10.12 Design Examples
10.13 System Design Using Control Design Software
10.14 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
10.15 Summary
CHAPTER 11 The Design of State Variable Feedback Systems
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Controllability and Observability
11.3 Full-State Feedback Control Design
11.4 Observer Design
11.5 Integrated Full-State Feedback and Observer
11.6 Reference Inputs
11.7 Optimal Control Systems
11.8 Internal Model Design
11.9 Design Examples
11.10 State Variable Design Using Control Design Software
11.11 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
11.12 Summary
CHAPTER 12 Robust Control Systems
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Robust Control Systems and System Seitivity
12.3 Analysis of Robustness
12.4 Systems with Uncertain Paramete
12.5 The Design of Robust Control Systems
12.6 The Design of Robust PID-Controlled Systems
12.7 The Robust Internal Model Control System
12.8 Design Examples
12.9 The Pseudo-Quantitative Feedback System
12.10 Robust Control Systems Using Control Design Software
12.11 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
12.12 Summary
CHAPTER 13 Digital Control Systems
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Digital Computer Control System Applicatio
13.3 Sampled-Data Systems
13.4 The z-Traform
13.5 Closed-Loop Feedback Sampled-Data Systems
13.6 Performance of a Sampled-Data, Second-Order System
13.7 Closed-Loop Systems with Digital Computer Compeation
13.8 The Root Locus of Digital Control Systems
13.9 Implementation of Digital Controlle
13.10 Design Examples
13.11 Digital Control Systems Using Control Design Software
13.12 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System
13.13 Summary


版权页:   插图:   A fluid flow system is shown in Figure 2.38.The reservoir(or tank)contains water that evacuates through an output port.Water is fed to the reservoir through a pipe controlled by an input valve.The variables of interest are the fluid velocity V(m/s),fluid height in the reservoir H(m),and pressure p(N/m2).The pressure is defined as the force per unit area exerted by the fluid on a surface immersed(and at rest with respect to)the fluid.Fluid pressure acts normal to the surface.For further reading on fluid flow modeling. The elements of the control system design process emphasized in this example are shown in Figure 2.39.The strategy is to establish the system configuration and then obtain the appropriate mathematical models describing the fluid flow reservoir from an input-output perspective. The general equations of motion and energy describing fluid tlow are quite complicated.The governing equations are coupled nonlinear partial differential equations.We must make some selective assumptions that reduce the complexity of the mathematical model.Although the control engineer is not required to be a fluid dynamicist,and a deep understanding of fluid dynamics is not necessarily acquired during the control system design proccss,it makes good engineering sense to gain at least a rudimentary understanding of the important simplifying assumptions.For a more complete discussion ot fluid motion. To obtain a realistic,yet tractable,mathematical model for the fluid flow reservoir,we first make several key assumptions.We assume that the water in the tank is incompressible and that the flow is inviscid,irrotational and steady.An incompressible fluid has a constant density p(kg/m3).In fact,all fluids are compressible to some extent.The compressibility factor,k,is a measure of the compressibility of a fluid.A smaller value of k indicates less compressibility.






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  •   控制系统的经典教材 推荐
  •   很有用的一本书。信息很全
  •   同事介绍的,说是挺好的
  •   大师经典之作,不得不读
  •   是工科里面控制方面的好书了,适合专业人士阅读
  •   为什么没有激光防伪标签?难道不是正版?买的另一本电子工业的英文书是有激光防伪标签的。
  •   快递超级慢。。。寄了快10天。。。蜗牛都比这个快!!!不过书还是挺好的啦!!内容也很好
  •   就是没有防伪标签,其他方面还可以
  •   请注意,本书评针对的是第十版汉化版。译者:赵千川 冯梅。 先说说最重要的一点,第十版的书使用的是彩图,尽管照片进行了黑白处理,但是根轨迹和bode图都是蓝黑色彩图,线条分明,一目了然。不知道其他版本是否也为彩图。建议大家一定购买彩图版本,否则看上去非常吃力,严重影响情绪。 接下来讲讲胡寿松老师那本经典的《自动控制原理》与Dorf的《现代控制理论(第十版)》的一些对比。先说说胡的优点,胡寿松老师的书大而全面,在知识的说明和证明部分做得很好,详略得当。关于根轨迹法则的证明过程比Dorf的书要好。但是在求分离点的方法上,Dorf介绍的方法计算起来更加方便。在频域部分,对线性定长系统输入正弦信号,输出信号稳态分量也是一个正弦信号,并且与输入信号相比仅发生幅值的改变|G(jw)|和G(jw)的相角滞后。这个说明的过程,胡的书较为详细,Dorf的书较为简略(证明太简略反倒不好理解了)。Dorf的数字控制系统讲解的过于简单,采样定理居然没提到,离散系统稳定性判据也没有给出,设计过程讲得还可以,先求Gc(s),然后转化成Gc(z),这倒是比较直观。胡的书详细多了,离散系统一共80页,将近50页用于描述离散系统的传递函数是怎么得到的,这对于了解为什么是非常重要的。所以论全面性,胡的书要好一些,证明说明非常详细,我在读Dorf的书时,如果有不太明白的地方就去查胡的书,一般来...说都会得到满意的解释。胡的书和Dorf的书对误差E(s)的定义,在H(s)不等于1时,是不一样的。Dorf的定义永远是E(s)=R(s)-Y(s),在H(s)不等于1的时候经常让我纠结。而胡的书定义为E(s) = R(s) - Y(s)H(s),胡的定义更好一些,因为只有这样才是两个具有相同物理意义的物理量相比较,这样的误差才更有物理意义。 然后讲讲Dorf的书有哪些优点。胡的书我只看了前八章,Dorf的书除了现代控制理论的2章之外都看了,但是时间有限没做习题。我上学的时候用的就是胡的教材第四版,考博也用胡的书,非考试用书,只看过他的书,懒得换,也就将就用了。这个阶段我每次看都觉得晦涩难懂,尤其对各个章节的联系很迷茫,看完之后也不知道怎么设计控制器,所以阅读体验很糟糕。2013年秋季我决心找一本国外经典教材好好学习一下自控原理,于是找到了Dorf的书。这本书果然没有让我失望,花了一个月的时间读完,有一种醍醐灌顶的感觉。我总结了下可能是这么几个原因:1) 老外不会铺开了讲,证明和说明从略,抓重点,扣主题,而重点和主题就是如何设计控制器。 2)每一个讲到的知识点都会跟控制系统的性能联系起来讲。3)做了很多工程上的近似,比如相角裕度和阻尼的关系,胡的书给出一个很长的公式,而Dorf的书用了一个线性近似的关系,这就好记的多,用起来也方便。Dorf的书把频域和时域的性能指标之间的联系讲解的很仔细,这样更易于理解频域设计法设计出的系统在时域上有什么样的性能。4) Dorf在很多地方会讲一些控制器设计时可能会遇到的问题,比如控制器输出的范围等等,可以加深对控制系统的理解。5) 看完Dorf的书之后感觉对根轨迹的理解更为深刻,本书介绍了根轨迹法进行串联校正,还介绍了根灵敏度的概念,小的亮点还有选定闭环极点后,图解法求解增益K。胡的书仅仅较少了控制器为一个增益K时的设计过程,因而感觉根轨迹没太大作用,所以从这点来说Dorf的书完胜。6) Dorf的书介绍了鲁棒控制,虽然介绍的很简单,但是把鲁棒设计的必要性给讲出来了,即系统参数在一定范围内变动时,设计的控制器能否保持令人满意的指标。书中给出了几种鲁棒控制方法,其中就包括PID,这样对PID的理解就更为深刻了。7)在介绍二阶系统性能之前的第四章,反馈控制系统的特性,这一章真是妙绝,把反馈的优点用数学语言优雅的表达出来,读胡的书时没有这种感觉,大概胡的书也提到了,但是过于分散,没有让人对反馈的种种好处留下太深的印象。其实在介绍一样东西的时候就应该先把它的好处说清楚,这样人家才有动力去学嘛。8)关于劳斯判据,Dorf的书给出了一种劳斯判据失效的情况,胡的书并没有指出这一点。稳定性的说明(特征方程根的位置与系统稳定性的关系),Dorf的书也更加全面和正确,胡的书有些含混不清。9)Dorf的书对反馈控制器设计的脉络把握很清楚,至少我感觉比胡的脉络清楚,可能是因为胡的书太厚了,太全了,一开始要干一个事,然后开始说明说明……,读完几大段之后忘了一开始要干什么了,不过全面也正是胡的书之优点所在。 先写这么多,总之胡的书和Dorf的书都是非常不错的教材,建议大家这两本书都要好好看看,Dorf的书简单一些,更适合初学者看,如果再结合行业知识,相信一定能掌握控制器的设计,以及当中所用原理的来龙去脉。 阅读更多 ›
  •   此书纸张和印刷质量一般,像复印版的,之前买过此书11版的电子工业出版社正版书比这个质量好很多。当然这书的内容还是依旧挺好的。当然只用来读的话,这书的图片和字还是都能看得清的。
  •   书绝对是盗印的,应该有person的激光标志,却没有。纸张轻薄,部分页印刷模糊。私印之书,价格就骗贵了。而且物流质量差,书的封面折断。
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  •   虽然我是学渣,但也觉得书挺好的。
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  •   这本书买下来,已经看了十章,真的觉得看这本书简直是一种享受,作者对每个问题的论述都十分清晰,力求讲清楚。以前感觉十分困惑的频域稳定分析的内容,通过这本书,也豁然开朗。书虽然是英文版,但是里面的句子并不难,读起来没有什么障碍,适合具有一般英语水平的人读的
  •   英文教材比中文的要详细一些
  •   国外经典教材,是十二版了,很经典,从里面可以看出来国外教材与国内教材的区别,国外注重的是应用,而国内的理论推导,动手的挺少的,两种书结合起来看就知道哪种教材好。
  •   此版没有中文版的彩色印刷,所以打了四个星。

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