八年级英语(上 冀教版)

出版时间:2012-5  出版社:北京出版社  作者:刘强 编  页数:144  


  《1+1轻巧夺冠·优化训练:8年级英语(下)(冀教版)(银版·卓越版)》具有以下特点:  1、将训练题按难度分层次设计,加强基础训练,逐级提升,注重能力形成。  2、题目设计精良,体现实践、综合、创新能力,对中考能力题型设计进行了科学的探索和最新的预测,准确把握中考动向.紧跟先进教育理念。设题风格典型性高,仿真性强,注重原创题设计。  3、答案规范、详备,精炼,有助于读者养成良好的答题习惯,使您在考试中从容应对,万无一失。  基础巩固题:针对每节基础知识所设计的题目,系统、全面、针对性强,是形成能力的基础,也是考试中占比例最大的部分。要防止眼高手低,得分不全,万万不可掉以轻心。  强化提高题:针对本节重点、难点以及新旧知识的融会贯通所设计的题目。题目难度中等,是形成能力、考试取得高分的必经阶梯。  课外延伸题:本节知识与科技发展、生活实际相联系的信息题、材料题,或是学科内或学科间的综合题。题目难度较大,但却是考试得高分的关键。  中考链接题:再现本节知识在中考中曾经出现过的考查类型、角度和深度。知道过去曾经考过什么,只有做到心中有数,方能立于不败之地。


卷首语Unit 1 spring is coming!Lesson 1 What's the Weather Like?Lesson 2 it's Getting Warmer!Lesson 3POStCardS!Lesson 4 Sun is RisingLesson 5Fun in the SunLesson 6Danny the BabysitterLesson 7 Danny's "Debbie" Day综合检测题Unit 2 Plant a Plant!Lesson 9 How Does a Plant Grow?Lesson 10 Plant PartsLesson 11 Look after Your Plant!Lesson 12 Pretty Little PlantLesson 13 Why Are Plants Important?Lesson 14 People and PlantsLesson 15 Danny Grows Grain!综合检测题Unit 3 Amazing AnimalsLesson 17People Love Pets!Lesson 18 Brandy Hates Cats!Lesson 19 The Zoo Is Open!Lesson 20 Stand So StillLesson 21 Fun at the ZooLesson 22 April FoolsLesson 23 Famous Zoos综合检测题Unit 4 Look into Science!Lesson 25 Let's Do an Experiment!Lesson 26 0ne Wet Danny?Lesson 27 Danny the "Dry-o-saur"!Lesson 28 Fill My PlateLesson 29 An Easter Egg HuntLesson 30 Keep the Candle Burning!Lesson 31Surprise Your Friends!综合检测题第2学期期中测试题Unit 5 Go with Transportaion!Lesson 33 How Can You Go?Lesson 34 Trains Go on Rails!Lesson 35 Future TransportationLesson 36 Let's Take a DriveLesson 37 Flying DonutsLesson 38 Let's Invent Hoverboards!Lesson 39 Clean Cars?综合检测题Unit 6 ConnectLesson 41 www.gO!Lesson 42 It Only Takes a Moment!Lesson 43 Books or Computers?Lesson 44 Everybody! Heaf This!Lesson 45 Wang Mei's First E-mailLesson 46 Mothers and Fathers Are SpecialLesson 47 l'm Connected!综合检测题Unit 7 Know Our worldLesson 49 Let's Learn Geography!Lesson 50 The World IS a Big Place!Lesson 51 ASiaLesson 52 East We GoLesson 53 Ringing Up Li MingLesson 54 EuropeLesson 55 Report on the Report!综合检测题Unit 8 Save our worldLesson 57Let's Clean Up!Lesson 58Stop Pollution!Lesson 59 Let's Look at Garbage!Lesson 60 Fix and MendLesson 61 What was Interesting?Lesson 62 Take Short Showers!Lesson 63 Garbage is Interesting!综合检测题第2学期期末测试题名师明“导”参考答案及解析



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