
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:山西人民出版社  作者:王振芳  页数:133  






  真书代表作为《信行禅师表》,石已久佚,唯清代何绍基藏有宋拓孤本,早已流入日本。  唐代刻的“碧落碑”,是唐高祖李渊十一子韩工元嘉的四个儿子训、谊、谌、谡,为其母房太妃造像祈福而立。篆书刻石,义字奇古,行笔精绝妩媚,笔画浑圆整齐,布局丰满,确为书法中之珍品。今存山西新绛县城龙兴寺。  著名诗人工维,也是著名画家。他在画坛以画人物、丛竹、山水见长。王维的破墨山水画,用水墨写意,依靠墨的浓淡渲染,表现山河的娴静与幽邃,风格洒脱,为画家南派之祖。其名作有《辋川图》。辋川为王维晚年在蓝田的别墅,风景优美。王维图之于,山谷郁郁盘盘,云水飞动,意出尘世之外,怪生毫末笔端,颇显雄壮笔力。惜今已无真迹传世,只有摹本。世传王维所作的《雪溪图》、《江山雪霁图》、《济南伏生象》等,亦非王维真迹。


  The Tang Dynasty in Chinese history, which is the most resplendent of all, came into being in Shanxi. Li Yuan and Li Shimin, the father and son, led righteous men from Taiyuan and rose in revolt. They captured the regime and ushered Chinese history into a new era. Shanxi in the Tang Dynasty was the basis of imperial reign, with Taiyuan as its North Capital and Puzhou (now Yongji City) as its Central Capital. It witnessed three imperial visits paid by Emperor Taizong, Empress Wu Zetian and Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, thus it assumed an exceptionally important political position. Shanxi in the Tang Dynasty, the north gate of the country, saw many powerful forces station and consequently held an important strategic position. Shanxi in the Tang Dynasty was a place abounding with natural resources and boasting convenient transportation. It had a multitude of places of interest and made a fairyland of tourists. Now there are only four and a half wooden structures of the Tang Dynasty extant in China, four of which are found in Shanxi. This fully illustrates the fact that the Tang Dynasty has left Shanxi a rich and profound cultural heritage, and the civilization of the heyday of the Tang Dynasty has left an eternal.



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