
出版时间:2008-12  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:同等学力申请硕士学位英语考试辅导用书编审委员会 编著  页数:455  








插图:The gravitational pull of the Earth and the Moon is important to us as we attempt to conquer more and more of outer-space. Here's why.As a rocket leaves the Earth, the pull of the Earth on it becomes less and less as the rocket roars out into space. If you imagine a line between the Earth and the Moon, there is a point somewhere along that line, nearer to the Moon than to the Earth, at which the gravitation pull of both the Earth and the Moon on an object is just about equal. An object placed on the Moon side of that point would be drawn to the Moon. An object placed on the Earth side of that point would be drawn to the Earth. Therefore, a rocket need be sent only to this "point of no return" in order to get it to the Moon. The Moon's gravity will pull it the rest of the way.The return trip of the rocket to the Earth is, in some ways, less of a problem. The Earth's gravitational field reaches far closer to the Moon than does the Moon's to the Earth. Thus it will be necessary to fire an Earthbound rocket only a few thousand miles away from the Moon to reach a point where the rocket will drift to the Earth under the Earth's gravitational pull.The problem of rocket travel is not so much concerned with getting the rocket into space as it is with guiding the rocket after it leaves the Earth's surface. Remember that the Moon is constantly circling the Earth. A rocket fired at the Moon and continuing in the direction in which it was fired would miss the Moon by a wide margin and perhaps continue to drift out into space until "captured" in another planet's gravitational field. To reach the Moon, a rocket must be fired toward the point where the Moon will be when the rocket has traveled the required distance. This requires precise calculations of the speed and direction of the rocket and of the speed and direction of the Moon.For a rocket to arrive at a point where the Moon's gravity will pull it the rest of the way, it must reach a speed called velocity of escape. This speed is about 25,000 miles per hour. At a speed less than this, a rocket will merely circle the Earth in an orbit and eventually fall back to the Earth.





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  •   试题质量还可以,就是感觉比考试深很多。
  •   东西不错 值得拥有
  •   模拟试题偏难
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  •   我是没用上,语言环境远比书本要有用,不过应付考试还是必须买不是吗?
  •   本来买这个只想练习下阅读,收到迫不急待的做了两篇,感觉有点不对,于是就看了下词汇,第一篇模拟试题的词汇题,前三道有两道确认为超纲词,这些题不知道从哪里抄来的,而且不核对下大纲,卖这么贵的书,确这么不用心思,很生气,本没有写评论的习惯.特意写一下提醒下消费者
  •   申请硕士学位的英语考试,根据新大纲,作为模拟还是不错的

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