
出版时间:2003-2  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:端木义万 编  页数:81  


  《大学英语外报外刊阅读教程》是特别为大学英语学生编著的外刊教材。该书从英美近期17种主要新闻报刊精选文章49篇,以专题为线,共分12个单元。内容包括政治体制、教育卫生、家庭婚姻、文艺体育、企业经济、社会问题、热点新闻、科技军事等。书中所选文章质量上乘、内容典型、语言丰富、趣味浓厚、时效较长。教材编写突出能力培养。  “知识介绍”栏目提供与课文相关的社会文化背景;“语言简说”栏目结合文章介绍现代报刊英语特色。特色这两大栏目的意图是架设两座桥梁,帮助读者步入阅读外刊自如境界。  《大学英语外报外刊阅读教程教学参考手册》为《大学英语外报外刊阅读教程》的教学参考手册。


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  Lesson 1 4  Answers to the Questions  V.1 .D2.B3.C4.A  Ⅵ.  1.Because they want to improve their public image.They believe that reputations and jobs can be lost based on the smallest slip in rank.  2.Because they intended to make their colleges more selective. They thought top applicants might opt for more prestigious institutions, lowering the schools crucial“yield”and making it appear less desirable.  3.If accepted,enrollees tend to boost a school’S yield and its statistical cachet. But the process denies students the broader choice that comes with applying to more than one college and ties them to a school regardless of its financial aid offer.  4.The author believes the rankings have become an unhealthy force in higher education,because the time and money colleges spend gaming the magazines rankings are resources lost on improving education and serving their real consumers,the students.  5.According to her,the reasons for the flawed nature are the following:First,the weights used to combine various measures into an overall rating lack any defensible empirical or theoretical basis. Second,institutional wealth,faculty salaries and acceptance rates and almost entirely ignores the key question in evaluating a college:how well it teaches its students.  6.She suggests that leaders in higher education should refuse to give lip service to the system,and resist labeling students with numbers



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