
出版时间:2007-11  出版社:北京大学  作者:韩礼德  页数:442  


  This first volume in the Collected Works of M.A.K.Halliday series contains sixteen papers,including a new work,A Personal Perspective,in which Halliday offers his own current perspective on language and linguistic theory.In addition to early paers(1957-66)on basic concepts such as system,structure,class and rand,the volume includes papers spanning the next two decades(from the 1960s to the mid-80s)showing how systemic theory devdloped to account for linguistic phenomena extending and Enacting,includes more recent work,in which Halliday discusses the issues confronting those who study linguistics,using Firths description of linguistics-language turned bacd on itself.


  Professor M.A.K.Halliay(b.1925)was Foundation Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney until his retirement and has taught as a Visiting Professor around the world.As a self-styledgeneralisthehas published in many branches of linguistics.


PrefaceAcknowledgementsIntroduction:a personal perspectiveSECTION ONE:EARLY PAPERS ON BASIC CONCEPTSEditors Introduction1 Some aspects of systematic description and comparison in grammatical analysis2 Categories of the theory of grammar3 Class in relation to the axes of chain and choice in language4 Some notes ondeepgrammar5 The concept of rand:a replyAppendix to Section OneSECTION TWO:WORD-CLAUSE-TEXTEditors Introduction6 Lexis as a linguistic level7 Language structure and language function8 Modes of meaning and modes of expression:types of grammatical structure and their determination by different semantic functions9 Text semantics and clause grammar:how is a text like a clause?10 Dimensions of discourse analysis:grammarSECTION THREE:CONSTRUING AND ENACTINGEditors Introduction11 On the ineffability of grammatical categories12 Spoken and written modes of meaning13 How do you mean?14 Grammar and daily life:concurrence and complementarity15 On grammar and grammaticsBibliographyIndex




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