
出版时间:2007-11  出版社:北京大学  作者:韩礼德  页数:476  


This third volume in the Collected Works of M.A.K.Halliday series includes papers that explore different aspects of language from a systemic functional perspective.The papers are organized into three sections:the place of linguistics as a discipline;linguistics and language; and language as social semiotic.In addition,there is a new work from Professor Halliday,entitled'On the"architecture"of human language,'in which he focuses on the assumptions or working hypotheses that enabled him to explore important questions about this massive semiotic power called'language'.作者简介:  Professor M.A.K.Halliay(b.1925)was Foundation Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney until his retirement and has taught as a Visiting Professor around the world.As a self-styled'generalist'hehas published in many branches of linguistics.


  Professor M.A.K.Halliay(b.1925)was Foundation Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney until his retirement and has taught as a Visiting Professor around the world.As a self-styledgeneralisthehas published in many branches of linguistics.


PrefaceAcknowledgementsIntroduction:On the"architecture"of human languagePART ONE:THE PLACE OF LINGUISICS AS A DISCIPLINE  Ediror's introduction    1 Syntax and the consumer(1964)    2 Grammar,society and the noun(1966)    3 The context of linguistics(1975)    4 Ideas about language(1977)    5 Language and the order of nature(1987)    6 New ways of meaning:the challenge to applied linguistics(1990)PART TWO:LINGUISTICS AND LANGUAGE  Editor's introduction    7 Abrief sketch of systemic grammar(1969)    8 Systemic background(1985)    9 Systemic grammar and the concept of a "science of language"(1992)    10 Language in a changing world (1993)    11 A recent view of"missteps"in linguistic theory(1995)    12 Linguistics as metaphor(1997)    13 Is the grammar neutral?Is the grammarian ncutral?(2001)PART THREE:LNGUAGE AS SOCIAL SEMIOTIC  Editor's introduction    14 The functional basis of language(1973)    15 Towards a sociological semantics(1972)    16 Towards a sentence(1992)    17 The act of meaning(1992)    18 On language in relation to the evolution of human consciousness(1995)Appendix:Systemic theory(1994)BibliographyIndex




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  •   这本书集中了韩礼德关于语言和语言学的一些经典论文,真是好书!
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