
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:刘玉玲 主编  页数:112  


  我国高职高专教育的春天来到了。随着国家对高职高专教育重视程度的加深,职业技能教材体系的建设成为了当务之急。高职高专过去沿用和压缩大学本科教材的时代一去不复返了。  语言学家Harmer指出:“如果我们希望学生学到的语言是在真实生活中能够使用的语言,那么在教材编写中接受技能和产出技能的培养也应该像在生活中那样有机地结合在一起。”  教改的关键在教师,教师的关键在教材,教材的关键在理念。我们依据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》的精神和编者做了大量调查,秉承“实用为主,够用为度,学以致用,触类旁通”的原则,历经两年艰辛,为高职高专学生编写了这套专业技能课和实训课的英语教材。




Unit 1 Company and ProductsUnit 2 Enquiry and OfferUnit 3 Price HagglingUnit 4 Quality and QuantityUnit 5 Packing and LabelingUnit 6 Delivery and ShipmentUnit 7 Terms of PaymentUnit 8 InsuranceUnit 9 ConclusionUnit 10 Claims and SettlementAppendix: Trade Terms and ExpressionsKeys


  In international trade,how and when an exporter receives payment for the goods he sends abroad are problems that concern him the most. Payment in domestic trade is a fairly simple matter. It can be made either in advance or within a reasonably short period after delivery. However,these problems are magnified many times in international trade. Much time is unavoidably lost in correspondence,dispatch and delivery. Who is liable for this loss?Must the seller wait perhaps six months for his money or shall the buyer pay several months before he even sees his goods?Whats more,in a case of no-payment,the seller will be involved in expensive legal action and possibly total loss. Because of these problems,different methods of payment have been adopted in international trade. Generally,in every contract for the sale of goods abroad,the clause dealing with the payment of the purchase price consists of four elements:time,mode,place and currency of payment. The various methods of financing exports represent the order and variations of these four elements.



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