
出版时间:2009-10  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:阎晓玲 编  页数:202  




第一章 四川省大学英语三级考试(SCET-3)大纲总则试卷设计卷面设计第二章 四川省大学英语三级考试样卷第三章 四川省大学英语三级考试解题方法与技巧第一节听力理解第二节词汇和语法结构第三节阅读理解第四节英译汉第五节写作第四章 SCET-3模拟试题精编Test OneTest TWOTest ThreeTest FOurTest FiveTest SixTest SevenTest EightTest NineTest Ten第五章 SCEI-3模拟试题答案及详解第六章 SCET-3模拟试题听力材料


  Questions 38 to 42 are based on the following passage.  Every 14 days a language dies. By 2100, more than half of the more than 7,000 languages spoken on Earth will likely disappear, taking with them a wealth of knowledge about history, culture, the natural environment, and how the human brain works.  Language defines a culture. Words that describe a particular cultural practice or idea rarely translate precisely into another language. Many endangered languages have rich cultures with stories, songs, and histories passed on to younger generations, but no written forms. With the disappearance of a language, an entire culture is lost.  Much of what humans know about nature is expressed only in oral languages. Indigenous(土著) groups that have interacted closely with the natural world for thousands of years often have deep insights into local lands, planets, animals, and ecosystems (生态系统). Studying indigenous languages therefore benefits environmental understanding.  Studying various languages also increases our understanding of how human communicate and store knowledge. Every time a language dies, we lose part of the picture of what our brains can do.  Throughout human history, the languages of powerful groups have spread while the languages of smaller cultures have become extinct. As big languages spread, children whose parents speak a small language often grow up learning the big language. Those children or their children may never learn the small language, or they may forget it as it falls out of use. This has occurred throughout human history, but the rate of language disappearance has quickened dramatically in recent years.


  《大学英语3级考试备考教程》第一部分针对学生在学习和复习备考过程中经常遇到的困难,详解了大学英语三级考试各个部分的解题方法和应试技巧,使考生在掌握了基础知识和基本技能的基础上,提高英语语言的应用能力,尤其是大学英语三级考试的应试能力。  《大学英语3级考试备考教程》第二部分按照《四川省大学英语三级考试大纲》的要求,选编了十套模拟试题。听力理解部分按、照《四川省大学英语三级考试大纲》的语速要求,聘请外籍英语语言教师录制。模拟试题力求内容更新,涵盖面宽,难易适度,仿真性强。  每套模拟试题之后除给出参考答案之外,对阅读理解、词汇和语法结构中的各题都给出了详细的注释、解释及例句,以帮助考生迅速掌握难点,提高应试能力。写作部分的所有题目均给出了参考范文,供考生写作时参考。听力理解部分的文字材料也附在每套模拟试题之后。



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