
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:武波,王振玲 著  页数:211  


  选材语言地道,内容新颖,题材广泛,贴近生活,时代气息浓郁,可读性强;  根据不同主题设置不同单元,知识内容自成体系;  练习设计合理、实用,紧扣课文内容,针对性强,形式灵活;  难易程度恰当,有助于扩大国际视野,以适应日益增长的外交与对外文化交流的需要。


第一部分 授课参考Unit One Health and HealthcareUnit Two People and EnvironmentUnit Three Agriculture vs UrbanizationUnit Four US Domestic and International PoliticsUnit Five The Changing English LanguageUnit Six The way Business OperatesUnit Seven Life Goes OnUnit Eight China and the Olympics第二部分 练习答案Unit One Health and HealthcareUnit Two People and EnvironmentUnit Three Agriculture vs UrbanizationUnit Four US Domestic and International PoliticsUnit Five The Changing English LanguageUnit six The Way Business OperatesUnit Seven Life Goes OnUnit Eight China and the Olympics第三部分 阅读技巧How to Read Journal Articles(I)How to Read Journal Articles(II)第四部分 英语知识British,Canadian and American VocabularyBritish English vs Australian English


  better off(para.2):well off的比较级,文中的含义为“in a good situation”境况良好e.g. Some people don’t know when they’re well off.(=d0 not realize how lucky they are)有些人身在福中不知福。fat cat(para.9):a person who earrls,or who has,a lot of money大亨,阔佬e.g.At first glance,we take theidiom“fat car”to mean a fat cat,but actuallyit means apersonwho owns a lot of money or has a successful career.习语fat cat乍一看是“肥猫”的意思,而在实际翻译中它却是指“很有钱,在事业方面很成功的人”。downward mobility(para.1 7):mobility refers to the ability to move easily from one place,  social class or job to another, while downward mobility means that sb. is moving down in social status. Mobility指流动能力,downward mobility指社会地位下降。反义应该是up ward mobility。e.g. A study shows that downward mobility hits men far more than women,puing them atrisk of depression.  一项研究显示,社会地位下降对男性的打击比女性大得多,会促使他们患抑郁症。Difficult Sentences  (1)George Armelagos,all anthropologist at Emory University, calls it the King HenryVIII——Oprah Winfrey effect.(para.15)这里作者是说,人们对胖瘦的标准其实就像英国国王亨利八世和美国脱口秀主持人温弗瑞效应,下文对此有进一步说明,亨利八世很肥胖,而这正是他财富的象征;温弗瑞则需要专门的营养师为她保持体型。因为随着社会的发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,肥胖反而成为社会地位低的象征。  (2)She has to have a dietitian and cook and a trainer SO she doesn’t get to be like that.(para.16)dietitian:a person whose job is to advise people on what kind of food they should eat to keep healthy饮食学家,营养师like that这里指像亨利八世那样肥胖。因此这句话是说温弗瑞需要专门的营养师、厨师和私人健身教练以保持自己的体型,避免自己象亨利八世那样体态臃肿。  (3)Weight has thus become a moral issue couched in health concerns.(para.17) be couched in:to be expressed in aparticular way以(特定方式)表达或措辞这句话承接上文对亨利八世和温弗瑞的对比,解释体重虽然一般认为是健康问题,但其实已经变得和道德价值观息息相关。



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