
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:(美)爱德华·S.赫尔曼//诺姆·乔姆斯基|译者:邵红松  页数:372  译者:邵红松  译  




作者:(美国)爱德华·S.赫尔曼 (Herman.E.S.) (美国)诺姆·乔姆斯基 (Chomsky.N.) 译者:邵红松爱德华·S.赫尔曼,美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿学院金融学荣誉教授。著有《企业控制》(Corporate Control)、《企业权力》(Corporate Power)、《真正的恐怖网络:现实中的恐怖主义与宣传》(The Real Network of Terrorism:Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda)、《示范选举:美国在多米尼加共和国、越南和萨尔瓦多操控的选举》(Demonstration Elections: U.S.-Staged Election.s intheDominican Republic,Vetnam,and EL Salvador)等。诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky),美国麻省理工学院语言学与哲学系教授。著述颇丰,包括《乔姆斯基读本》(The Chomsky Reader)、《迈向新冷战》(Toward a New Cold War)、《有关语言的思考》(Reflections on Language)以及《语言与责任》(Language and Responsibility)等。邵红松,浙江传媒学院讲师,杭州市翻译协会常务理事。


附录1 1984年7月1—2日美国官方观察员在危地马拉
附录2 塔利亚布埃对保加利亚卷入案的终曲:关于偏见的案例研究
附录3 布雷斯特拉普的《大事件》:几个“自由之家独家观点”


版权页:插图:若报道是关于针对有价值受害者的虐待行为,则其不仅会顺利通过过滤层,还会成为后续宣传战的行动基础。如果政府或企业界和媒体感觉某个新闻故事可用且具精彩性,他们就会浓墨重彩地大书特书并以此启蒙大众。下面的事件充分证实了这个道理:1983年9月,韩国KAL007航班被苏联击落,这给了里根政府以充分的口实对政府的敌人进行抹黑,并进而大大推进里根政府的军备计划。正如伯纳德·格沃茨曼洋洋自得的评述,1984年8月31日的《纽约时报》上,美国官员“断定全球范围内针对苏联对这一危机的处置方式的批评使得美国在与莫斯科的关系中获得有利地位”。与此对照鲜明的是,以色列在1973年2月击落利比亚民航客机的事件在西方没有引起任何大的反响,没有任何人谴责这是“血腥谋杀”120,当然也没有任何抵制。这种两分法的处理方式被《纽约时报》从实用的角度阐释得非常准确:“就谁应该为上周利比亚航班被击落一事承担责任进行激烈辩论没有任何实际意义。”121而将精力集中于苏联的行为就有“实际意义”,因为随后可以发动大规模的宣传战。122宣传战一般与精英阶层的利益是协调一致的。很大程度上,是1919-1920年间的红色恐怖使一战后的钢铁业和其他工业领域内的工会组织活动遭受流产。杜鲁门一麦卡锡的红色恐怖政策开启了冷战时代和持续的战争经济,并削弱了实施“新政”(New Deal)期间逐渐形成的(工会力量的)联合力量。这种对苏联持不同政见者的境况、对柬埔寨敌对势力从事的杀戮行为以及对保加利亚卷入案的长期关注帮助缓解了越战综合征并为里根政府提供了充分的理由构建巨大的军事储备、实施更加强硬的外交政策;这种关注还可以引导人们不再注意国民收入向高端阶层的集中这一现象,而这恰是里根政府国内经济政策的核心内容。123而最近针对尼加拉瓜的宣传兼假情报攻势正好可以用来将人们的注意力从血腥的萨尔瓦多战争上引开,同时给了美国足够的理由增加对中美洲反革命活动的支持。






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用户评论 (总计14条)


  •   本书揭示,西方大众传媒并非客观公正,其传递的新闻信息在实践中维护了精英阶层的社会经济政治议程。其实,这也不奇怪,因为传媒的生产者和消费者在很大程度上都是精英阶层成员。本书令人感叹的是,其第一作者是商学院资深教授,第二作者是著名的公共知识分子。一位商学院教授致力于拆穿大企业的面具,而一位公共知识分子致力于如此学院化的研究。这如果不让中国同类学人感到汗颜,那就很令人汗颜啦。
  •   著名学者乔姆斯基与另一位作者合著的这本书,揭露了美国的一些主流媒体如何操纵舆论以及背后的利益驱动。
  •   很好的一本书,大众传媒的政治经济学,很值得研究。
  •   对里面的许多,就是好奇,好奇他们怎么会这么想呢,就把这本当做一种资料集,建立自己的方法论,里面的一些介绍让我觉得,这个世界,大哥别笑二哥,没啥是干净的,多数人和少数人绕来绕去,就看谁能说话,并且能被人听到
  •   书名就是当今社会的需要
  •   帮我儿子买的。
  •   别人推荐很久了,一直想看。。。
  •   毕竟是名著,感觉还是很不错的,慢慢品读吧。
  •   很棒!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  •   很好,很喜欢,就是有点小贵呀~~
  •   发现共识
  •   不知道为什么没有英文原版的,读起来有些晦涩,但是值得思考
  •   想知道美国媒体如何充当美国政府对外战争的帮凶,请看此书。
  •     Media control seemed to be to the exclusive possession of totalitarian states. However, Chomsky and Herman have illustrated how the torchlight of the free world, the United States, manipulates public thought through control of media. Through comprehensive surveys of media coverage on a number of issues, from foreign elections to Indo-china wars, the authors argued that the media deviates from the usual image of a cantankerous, obstinate and ubiquitous watchdog of authority. Rather the media serves a “societal purpose”—to inculcate and defend the economic, social and political agenda of privileged groups that dominate the domestic society and the state.
      Controlling the media is a formidable task, especially in a market economy where ownership is dispersed and censorship is not in fashion. But at the end of the day, money and power managed to accomplish this mission by filtering out news “fit” to print. Firstly, the dominant media firms nowadays in the US are huge corporations in the hands of the wealthy, whose interests are interlocked with other major corporations and government, and the result is sacrifice of independence in choice of news. The second filter is advertising. In the symbiotic relationship between the media and advertiser, the latter acquires a de facto licensing authority and the mass media courts audiences with buying power. Working-class and radical media are marginalized because they are perceived as ideological enemies and as damaging interests of the advertisers. Further, the media cannot be unbiased since they often rely on official sources of information from the government. Fourthly, the media adheres to the orthodox line to avoid “flaks”—negative responses to a media statement or program produced by audiences, corporation and government. Finally, anticommunism acts as a control mechanism. News that can be used against the communist devil is more likely to go through the filter: demand for hard evidence is suspended and charlatans thrive as information sources.
      Of course, the propaganda model in the US is not to be equated with that in a totalitarian state. The media encourages spirited debate and dissent. But such dissent will hit the submerged rock once it goes beyond the system of principles that constitute an elite consensus. In other words, freedom of press exists, but only for those who have internalized required values and perspectives.
      The argument of the authors is well supported, despite the necessary selectivity of evidence in a study of this nature. But the book poses a problem without any prospect of solution. One of the few plausible alternatives to corporation controlled media would be public funded ones, not the best candidate to uphold media independence for obvious reasons. The concluding remarks of the book point to self-education of the community as a step for meaningful social change. Yet such remarks are more aspirational than practical.

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