CIB W99“建筑安全与健康的全球合作”国际会议论文集

出版时间:2006-6  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:方东平  页数:664  字数:1864000  


建筑安全与健康是世界各国建筑业所面临的共同问题,在发展中国家和欠发达国家尤其严重。为了促进世界各国在该领域的交流与合作,由(清华-金门)建筑安全研究中心和CIB第99工作委员会共同主办的“建筑安全与健康的全球合作”国际会议于2006年6月28日至30日在北京清华大学召开。    本书精选了本次会议来自21个国家的75篇论文,涉及有关建筑安全与健康的法律、战略和发展规划,规范和标准,教育、培训和持续学习,风险分析与决策,安全投资和效益,量测及定量分析,信息技术和自动控制的应用,项目各方角色及作用,发展中国家的相关问题,安全行为和生产力,环境影响评估和噪声控制,工人工作条件和生活质量以及未来发展趋势等内容。    希望本书的出版能够为学术界提供最新的研究思想和资讯,为企业界提供最新的管理理念和方法,为政府提供立法和行政方面的参考。


1 KEYNOTE ADDRESSES  the strategy for construction safety and health in china towards year 2020    chunming shang,dongpingfang,xin zhang and dominic mak  construction safety:plateaus of successand mountains of opportunity    jimmie hinze  safety-an overwhelming moral responsibility&a key strategicbusiness issue    derek v.smyth  occupational health:slow accidente need solutions fast    alistair g.gibb  synergy for success effective construction safety and health management    kevin s.berg  construction safety&health in the framework of civil engineering risk assessment    m.h.faber and dongping fang2 LAW,STRATEGYAND PLANNING  subontractor barriers to effective with ohs compliance in the australian construction indstry    managing safety and quality on construction sites through validation    arie gottfried,giuseppe m.di giuda and paolo piantanida  safety costs—legislation and practice    arie gottfried,giusepe m.di giuda and giuxeppe rusconi  a research framework for investigating construction safety against fall of person accidents in residential building repairand maintenance works    albert p.c. chan,francis k.w.wong,daniel w.m.chan,michael c.h.yan,albert w.k.kwok edward c.y.yiy edwin h.w.chan edmond w.m.lam and esther cheung  health and safety management practices of small and medium-sized construction businesses    nongiba a.kheni alistair g.gibb and andrew dainty  what should be extra concerned with evacuation behavior for a/c/e:a case study on arena in taiwan    you j.juh tserng and hsiung k.hua  managing a shared responsibility-from strict enforcement to partnership    dominic mak3 STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES4 CULTURE AND ITS INFLUENCE5 EDUCATION,TRAINING AND CONTINUOUS LEARNING6 RISK ANALYSIS AND DECISION MAKING7 INVESTMENTS AND BENEFITS8 MEASUREMENT AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS9 APPLICATION OF IT AND AUTOMATION10 ROLES OF STAKEHOLDERS11 ISSUES IN DEVELOPING COUNIRIES12 BEHAVIOR-BASED SAFETY AND PRODUCTIVITY13 ENVIRONMENTIMPACT ASSESSMENT AND NOISE CONTROL14 WORKERS WORKING CONDITIONS/QUALITY OF LIFE15 FUTURE DEVEL OPMENT TRENDSAUTHOR INDEX



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