
出版时间:2006-10  出版社:清华大学  作者:米特拉  页数:607  


  现在推出的第3版编影印片,由国内知名教授根据教学经验和教学要求提出缩编方案,使之既满足国内学生阅读国外经典教材的需求,又最大程度地维护原著的特 色与风格。




1 Signals and Signal Processing
1.1 Characterization and Classiflcation of Signals
1.2 Typical Signal Processing Operations
1.3 Examples of Typical Signals
1.4 Typical Signal Processing Applications
1.5 Why Digital Signal Processing?
2 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
2.1 Discrete-Time Signals
2.2 Typical Sequences and Sequece Representation
2.3 The Sampling Process
2.4 Discrete-Time Systems
2.5 Time-Domain Characerization of Lti Discrete-Time Systems
2.6 Simple Interconnection Schemes
2.7 Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems
2.8 Classificaiton of LTIDiscrete-Time Systems
2.9 Correlation of Signals
2.10 Random Signals
2.11 Summary
2.12 Problems
2.13 MATLAB Exercises
3 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
3.1 The Continuous-Time Fourier Transform
3.2 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
3.3 Discrete-Time Fourief Transform Theorems
3.4 Energy Density Spectrum of a Discrete -Time Sequence
3.5 Band-Limited Discrete-Time Signals
3.6 DTFT Computation Using MATLAB
3.7 The Unwrapped Phase Function
3.8 The Frequency Responese of and LTIDiscrete-Time System
3.9 Phase and Group Delays
4 Digital Processing of Continuou-Time Signals
5 Finite-Length Discrete Transforms
6 z-Transform
7 LTI Discretems in the Transform Domain
9 IIR Digital Filter Design
10 FIR Digital Filter Design


版权页:   插图:   Seismic signals also play an important role in the geophysical exploration for oil and gas [Rob80].In this type of application, linear arrays of seismic sources,such as high-energy explosives,are placed at regular intervals on the ground surface.The explosions cause seismic waves to propagate through the subsurface geological structures and reflect back to the surface from interfaces between geological strata.The reflected waves are converted into electrical signals by a composite array of geophones laid out in certain patterns and displayed as a two-dimensional signal that is a function of time and space,called a trace gather,as indicated in Figure 1,15.Before these signals are analyzed,some preliminary time and amplitude corrections are made on the data to compensate for different physical henomena.From the corrected data,the time differences between reflected seismic signals are used to map structural deformations,whereas the amplitude changes usually indicate the presence of hydrocarbons. Speech Signals The acoustic theory of speech production has led to a range of mathematical models for the representation of speech signals.A speech signal is created by exciting the vocal tract using either quasi-periodic puffsof air or by creating turbulent air flow around a constriction in the vocal tract or by a mixture of these two sound sources [De193],[Rab78].So-called voiced sounds are generated when air is forced through the tensed glottis,causing it to vibrate in an oscillatory manner and generating pseudo-periodic pulses of air that excite the vocal tract.Included in the class of voiced sounds are vowels such as/I/(as in 'big') or/ae/(as in 'bad');voiced consonants such as/b/,/d/,/g/,/m/,/n/and so on;and so-called liquids and glides such as/w/,/l/,/r/,and/y/.4 Unvoiced sounds are generated by forming a constriction at some point in the vocal tract,which causes the air flow to become turbulent (noise-like) and to act as the excitation source for sounds such as/f/,/s/,/sh/and so forth.Finally,there is a class of sounds that utilizes both sources of excitation and hence has characteristics of both voiced sounds and unvoiced sounds.Among this class of sounds are the voiced fricatives such as/v/,/z/,and/zh/.






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  •   书是正品,还配有光盘
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  •   这本书不错啊,是影印版的,不是阉割的和改编的。赞!!!
  •   英文版的,不错,就是书有点儿旧了
  •   讨厌阉割版。所谓的知名教授,你们真不自量力
  •   直接影印原版就好,干吗要去改编人家的书?是不是水平比Mitra高?不知道清华大学出版社为啥要学别的出版社干这种事,本想买一本,想到改编的,和吃了只苍蝇感觉差不多。

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