
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:赵丽 编  页数:394  


  旅游作为文化创意产业的核心支柱,在国际交往、丰富社会生活、促进经济发展、构建和谐社会、弘扬中华文化等方面发挥着越来越大的作用,旅游业已成为我国服务经济发展的重要产业,在我国经济发展中占有极其重要的位置。  随着全球旅游业的快速发展,特别是北京奥运会和上海世博会在我国举办,使我国国际问的交往与交流更加频繁;外语是涉外服务的工具、也是对外交流的重要手段,英语作为国际旅行的通用语言和主要的交际工具,学用的质量将直接影响着我国旅游饭店业的服务水平与发展速度。面对国际饭店服务业激烈的市场竞争,加强旅游饭店经营管理模式的创新、加速旅游饭店经营管理专业人才培养已成为当前亟待解决的问题;为满足日益增长的旅游市场需求、为了培养社会急需的饭店专业应用人才,我们组织多年在一线从事旅游饭店英语教学和实践活动的专家教授共同精心编撰了此教材,旨在迅速提高大学生的旅游从业者的专业素质,更好地服务于我国旅游饭店事业。  本教材从培养高级应用型人才的总体目标出发,以学习者应用能力培养为主线,根据国际旅游饭店业发展的新形势和新特点,依照旅游饭店服务与管理活动的全过程,主要介绍旅游饭店各相关部门的服务与管理工作等知识和技能,注重“互动性、交际性、趣味性和实用性”。


本书从培养高级应用型人才的总体目标出发,根据国际旅游饭店业发展的新形势和新特点,依照旅游饭店服务与管理活动的全过程,主要介绍旅游饭店各相关部门的服务与管理工作等知识技能,并结合学生毕业后就业的实际需求,注重实践应用。  由于本书构思独特、知识系统、结构合理、流程清晰、内容翔实、突出实用性、注重旅游饭店服务全过程应用能力的培养,且采用新颖、统一的格式化体例设计,因此本书可以作为普通高等院校本科旅游管理专业的教材,也可以作为高职、高等教育自学考试、成人教育以及旅游饭店从业人员的岗位培训用书。


Unit One  Front Office Part A: Reservation & Check-in Part B: Bell Service Part C: Information Desk & Switchboard Part D: Check-out Part E: Handling ComplaintsUnit Two  Housekeeping Part A: Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms Part B: Chamber Service Part C: Laundry Service Part D: Room Service Part E: Handling ComplaintsUnit Three  Food and Beverages Part A: Receiving the Reservation Part B: Taking the Order Part C: Table Service Part D: Taking the Bill Part E: Handling ComplaintsUnit Four  Shopping Arcade Part A: Inquiries about Shopping Arcade Part B: At the Gift Shop Part C: At the Souvenir Shop Part D: At the Food Shop Part E: Handling Complaints Unit Five  Recreation and Fitness Center Part A: Introducing the Facilities Part B: Explaining the Membership Policy Part C: Filling Out the Application Form for Becoming a Member Part D: Offering Help Part E: Handling ComplaintsUnit Six  Beauty Parlor Part A: Inquiries about the Beauty Parlor   Part B: At the Hairdresser's Part C: At the Barber's Part D: Facial Massage Part E: Handling ComplaintsUnit Seven  Hotel Service Part A: Taking Messages Part B: Wake-up Call Service Part C: Booking Tickets Part D: Special Service Part E: Handling ComplaintsKey to Unit 1  Key to Unit 2Key to Unit 3Key to Unit 4Key to Unit 5Key to Unit 6Key to Unit 7Tapeseript for Unit 1Tapescript for Unit 2Tapescript for Unit 3Tapeseript for Unit 4Tapeseript for Unit 5Tapeseript for Unit 6Tapeseript for Unit 7参考文献


  ( S : Mr. Smith W : Waiter HW : Head waitress)  (Mr. Smith is having his last dish. He finds it different from what he has ordered. )  S: Excuse me, sir. I ordered the lobster but you gave me the salmon.  W: Im sorry, sir. Ill get you to the head waiter.  (Soon the head waitress comes. )  HW: Im awfully sorry. There must have been some mistake. I do apologize for giving you the wrong dish. Ill change it immediately for you. The lobster will take 15 minutes to prepare. Would you take some complimentary drink while waiting?  S: Im afraid I dont have enough time to wait for the next lobster. I have an appointment at 7:00 in my room. Now its 6:45.  HW: Oh, you are staying at our hotel, Mr  S: Smith, John Smith.  HW : Room...  S : Room 1025.  HW: Oh, Mr. Smith, I shall ask the Room Service to serve you a snack at 9:30 tonight and youll have your favorite lobster. And now try the salmon if you dont mind. Well cross the salmon off the bill.  S: Thats good. Thank you.  HW: Thank you for telling us, Mr. Smith. I assure you it wont happen again. Please take your time and enioy yourself. And I hope you have a good time at our hotel.




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