
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:(美)瓦拉西切,(美)乔治,(美)霍弗 著  页数:433  


本书遵照系统开发生命期(SDLC)的逻辑顺序,详细而清晰地介绍了系统分析与设计的概念、原理、技能和方法。全书有10章和两个附录,先后介绍了系统开发环境、信息项目管理、系统规划和选择、系统需求确定、系统需求结构化(过程建模和概念数据建模)、选择最佳设计策略、人机界面设计、数据库设计、系统实现和运行、面向对象分析设计、快速应用开发等。    本书可作为系统分析与设计课程的入门教材,供计算机和信息专业本科生使用,也可供IS从业人员参考。


作者:(美国)瓦拉西切(Joseph Valacich) (美国)乔治(Joey George) (美国)霍弗(Jeff Hoffer)


PART Ⅰ  FOUNDATIONS FOR SySTEMS DEyELOPMENT Chaoter 1  The Systems Develooment Environment Chapter 2  The Sources ot Sohaare Chapter 3  Managing the information Systems ProtectPART Ⅱ  SYSTEMS PLANNING AND SELECTION Chapter 4  Systems Planning and SelectionPART Ⅲ  SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Chapter 5  Determining System Repuirements Chapter 6  Structuring System Requirements:Process Modeling Chapter 7  Structuring System Requirements:Conceptual Data ModelingPART Ⅳ  SYSTEMS DESIGN Chapter 8  Designing the Human Interface Chapter 9  Designing DatabasesPART Ⅴ  SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION Chapter 10  Systems Implementation and OperationAppendixReferencesGlossary of AcronymsGlossary of TermsIndexPhoto Credits


插图:The benefits of the enterprise solutions approach include a single reposi-tory of data for all aspects of a business process and the flexibility of the modules. A single repository ensures more consistent and accurate data, aswell as less maintenance. The modules are flexible because additional modules can be added as needed once the basic system is in place. Added modules are immediately integrated into the existing system.  Enterprise solutions software also involves some disadvantages. Thesystems are complex, so implementation can take a long time to complete.Organizations typically do not have the necessary expertise in-house toimplement the systems, so they must rely on consultants or employees of the software vendor, which can be expensive. In some cases, organizations must change how they do business in order to benefit from a shift towardenterprise solutions.





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