零售管理 战略方法

出版时间:2011-6  出版社:清华大学  作者:(美)巴里·伯曼//乔尔·R.埃文斯  页数:656  




作者:(美国)巴里·伯曼(Barry Berman) (美国)乔尔·R.埃文斯(Joel R.Evans)


第1篇 战略性零售管理概览
第1章 零售业简介
第2章 建立并维系零售中的关系
第3章 零售业战略规划
第2篇 形势分析
第4章 按所有权划分零售机构
第5章 按店铺战略组合划分零售机构
第6章 网络、无店铺零售和非传统零售的其他形式
第3篇 选择目标顾客与收集信息
第7章 识别和了解消费者
第8章 零售信息的收集与处理
第4篇 商店选址
第10章 店址选择
第5篇 零售企业管理
第11章 零售组织与人力资源管理
第12章 运营管理:财务部分
第l3章 运营管理:业务部分
第6篇 商品经营管理与定价
第14章 制订商品计划
第15章 实施采购计划
第16章 商品的财务管理
第17章 零售定价
第7篇 顾客沟通
第18章 建立和维持零售形象
第19章 促销战略
第20章 零售战略的整合与控制


版权页:插图:Unlike other services that download the video to ahard drive, Netflix's video is pure streaming with qualityequal to a standard-definition digital teIevision. Netflix alsorequires that consumers have an Internet connection thatcan consistently deliver at least 2 megabits per second.Although no content is saved, users can restart a moviewhere they left off.In contrast to Netflix, Blockbuster (www.blockbuster.corn) offers in-store rentals, a mail-to-home program, anddownload options. Its mail-based program provides accessto 85,000 titles. Blockbuster customers can exchange mailedvideos for in-store videos. Blockbuster also has a streamingvideo option that features current titles. Download rentalsgenerally cost between $1.99 and $3.99 for 24 hours of use.Downloads can also be purchased for between $9.99 to$20.00.In 2008, Netflix received the top ranking in Foresee's Top100 Online Retail Satisfaction Index (www.foreseeresults.coin) report. Netf]ix's ranking was a score of 86 out of a pos-sible 100; 2008 marked the seventh straight year that itreceived the top ranking.Although many retailers focus on the benefits of loy-alty programs in stimulating customer loyalty (throughsavings features, special programs to members, anddirected mailings), another major benefit is the increasedinformation available through the study of the transactionsof individual and groups of customers. The authors foundthat loyalty programs have a substantial effect on aretailer's knowledge of customer behavior. By applyingloyalty card data, retailers can study cross-category pur-chases, the extent to which a special buy increases overallsales, the impact of coupons on long-term sales of a prod-uct, and so on.Retailers can also take loyalty card data and break outcustomers into key segments. Through this process, aretailer can target each segment with different promotionsthat are most meaningful to that segment. For example, asegment that purchases organic fresh fruits and vegetableswould receive a very different promotion than a group thatfocuses on frozen and canned vegetables.The authors state that a major concern with loyaltyprograms is the false assumption among retailers that theirmost frequent customers are its most profitable customergroup. This may not be the case if this group concentratesits purchases on a retailer's weekly specials. Retailers muststudy which of its customers are its most profitable toaccurately determine whether profitable customers arealso loyal.


《零售管理 战略方法(第11版)》是美国商学院原版教材精选系列之一。



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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   帮做零售业的同学买的,她说还算有帮助。
  •   英文版,购买请注意
  •   书还是比较好的,虽然读的慢,收获很大。
  •   英文原版,可以对照中文译本来看。很好的一本书。
  •   书是没什么问题,发货慢了点。最主要的是物流跟屎一样,寄了两个多礼拜才到,还要多收30。能再慢一点吗?
  •   书还不错,就是看着费劲了点
  •   注意:英文版
  •   英文版的看不懂呀
  •   幸亏英文还过得去,抱本字典能勉强看懂了啦
  •   真没注意到是原版书。内容没话说,标准的原版教材,厚厚一大本。

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