
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:米特拉  页数:952  字数:33000  译者:彭启琮  




作者:(美国)米特拉(Sanjit K.Mitra)译者:彭启琮


第1章 信号与信号处理
第2章 时域中的离散时间信号
第3章 频域中的离散时间信号
第4章 离散时间系统
第5章 有限长度的离散变换
第6章 Z变换
第7章 变换域中的LTl离散时间系统
第8章 数字滤波器的结构
第9章 IlR数字滤波器设计
第10章 FlR数字滤波器设计
第11章 DSP算法实现
第12章 分析有限字长效应
第伯章 多采样率数字信号处理基础
第14章 多采样率滤波器组及小波
附录A 模拟低通滤波器设计
附录B 模拟高通、带通、带阻滤波器的设计
附录C 离散时间随机信号


版权页:   插图:   4.42 Determine the total solution for n ≥ 0 of the difference equation with the initial condition y[-1] = 5. 4.43 Determine the total solution for n ≥ 0 of the difference equation with the initial condition y[-1] = 3, and y[-2] = 0. 4.44 Determine the total solution for n > 0 of the difference equation with the initial condition y[-1] = 3, and y[-2] = 0, when the forcing function is x[n] = 3nμ[n]. 4.45 Determine the impulse response h[n] of the LTI system of Problem 4.42. 4.46 Determine the impulse response h [n] of the LTI system of Problem 4.44. 4.47 Determine the step response of an LTI discrete-time system characterized by an impulse response h[n] =(-α)nμ[n], 0 < α < 1. 4.49 Let a causal IIR digital filter be described by the difference equation of Eq. (4.32) where y[n] and x[n] denotethe output and the input sequences, respectively. If h [n] denotes its impulse response, show thatFrom the above result, show that Pn = h[n] dn. 4.50 Consider a causal FIR filter of length L + 1 with an impulse response given by {g[n]}, n = 0, 1 L. Developthe difference equation representation of the form of Eq. (4.32) where M + N = L of a causal finite-dimensionalIIR digital filter with an impulse response {h[n]} such that h[n] = [n] for n = 0, 1…L. 4.51 Compute the output of the accumulator of Eq. (4.2) for an input x[n] = nμ[n] and the following initial condi-tions: (a) y[-1] = 1, (b) y[-1] = -1, and © y[-1] = 0. 4.52 In the rectangular method of numerical integration, the integral on the right-hand side of Eq. (4.61) is expressed as Develop the difference equation representation of the rectangular method of numerical integration. 4.53 Develop a recursive implementation of the time-varying linear discrete-time system characterized by 4,54 Show that the sequence u [n] = zn, where z is a complex constant, is an eigenfunction of an LTI discrete-timesystem. Is the sequence v[n] = znμ[n] with z a complex constant also an eigenfunction of an LTI discrete-timesystem? Justify your answer.





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  •   该教材在国际上影响很大,这是最新的第四版。已有译成中文的(余翔宇翻译),翻译得不错。还有适合本科生双语教学的英文缩减版(阔永红改编),删除了最后三章和部分小节。这本是无缩减的原文影印版。没有附光盘,光盘内容可以从网上下载(见书内说明)。
  •   全英的看起来有点吃力.....不过还是很不错的书!
  •   全英文的教材,我们上课要用到
  •   是英文版的,彭启宗老师只是翻译了目录,纸张有些薄了
  •   没有CD光盘
  •   质量好,改进了第三版的不少错误,虽然到第四版仍有勘误表的存在。又大又结实,好家伙。
  •   书籍很不错,就是显得有点旧~
  •   大部头,经典,要慢慢啃
  •   数的内容很好,就是卖家给我发的书好破好脏,感觉像旧书。好桑心。。。

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