
出版时间:2008-05-01  出版社:中央广播电视大学出版社  作者:MartinMilner  页数:160  


  《医用英语》是高等职业教育英语专用教材,是《点击职业英语》系列教材职业英语模块中的一本,旨在培养学习者在从事医务工作中所需具备的英语语言技能及职业素养,学习对象为高职高专院校的学生及具有同等水平的自学者。  《医用英语》由学生频道与教师频道组成。学生频道配有录音CD,教师频道内含教学重难点注释、练习答案和单元测试题等。


Unit 1 MakIng a diagnosisLesson 1 So, what can I do for youLesson 2 When did the problem beginLesson 3 l'd like to examine youLesson 4 What's the diagnosisLesson 5 Let me explain your dietLesson 6 To put it more simplyTeam Project 1Unit 2 Working under pressuraLesson 1 If you are not sure, askLesson 2 He'II be fine, Mr SlenkovichLesson 3 Has he ever fainted beforeLesson 4 l'd like to ask you a few questionsLesson 5 We need to take a sampleLesson 6 Can I explain the procedureTeam Project 2Unit 3 Breaking bad newsLesson 1 Can you describe the painLesson 2 lt's how you say itLesson 3 lt's getting you down, isn't itLesson 4 We need a psychiatric evaluationLesson 5 It might be multiple sclerosisLesson 6 l'm afraid to say thatTeam Project 3Unk 4 Calllng in the Stroke TeamLessonl ShecanhardlyspeakLesson 2 How many fingers can you seeLesson 3 We need to run a few more testsLesson 4 What medication would you prescribeLesson 5 Let's decide your rehabilitation planLesson 6 l'm going to teach you some exercisesTeam Project 4Unit 5 Referring a patientLesson 1 I can't put up with the painLesson 2 Thank you for referring the patientLesson 3 Let's examine your mouthLesson 4 Follow the postoperative adviceLesson 5 Your test results are backLesson 6 You are very luckyTeam Project 5Addltional ActivitiasUnitlUnit2Unit3Unit4Unit5Raading Ra8ourca8UnitlUnit2Unit3Unit4Unit5Answer KeyStudent BookAdditional ActivitiesReading Resources





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