
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:武汉大学出版社  作者:孟健,张李义 著  页数:285  


  随着计算机技术、通信技术、网络技术以及经济全球化的迅速发展,电子商务已经成为人们从事商务活动的主要手段,也日益成为世界各国经济发展的竞争焦点。在我国,自教育部2000年批准首批高校试开电子商务专业以来,电子商务专业已经成为我国高等教育专业建设中发展最为迅速的专业之一。电子商务是一个新兴学科,涵盖的知识十分丰富而且发展非常迅速;同时,欧美国家在电子商务领域起步较早,比较领先,他们先进的理论、技术和实践都值得我们借鉴和学习。因此,电子商务专业人才的专业英语水平对其专业发展至关重要。  本书精选了一些英文原版专业文章,基本涵盖了电子商务专业的主要知识点,具有实用性和前瞻性。这些文章难易度适中,语言流畅,并具有较强的专业性,每篇文章后都配有注释和练习,十分适合作为高等院校电子商务专业英语教材。希望通过本书的学习,电子商务专业人士不仅可以加深对电子商务专业知识的了解,同时可以提高专业英语水平。  本书由孟健老师编撰,张李义老师给予了大量的指导和帮助。同时,作者还要感谢武汉大学出版社外语图书事业部的王春阁编审和叶玲利编辑的辛勤工作。本书如有不足之处,还请各位师生和读者不吝赐教。


  《电子商务专业英语》旨在提高电子商务专业人士的专业英语水平,由浅入深地精选了二十四篇英文原版专业文章,基本涵盖了电子商务专业的主要知识点。包括电子商务的基本概念、电子营销、企业电子商务、电子支付、电子商务安全、电子商务立法、移动电子商务等主要知识点。这些文章,难易适中、专业性强,每篇课文都配有注释、词语解释、关键专业术语以及问答习题,以帮助读者理解课文,拓展专业知识视野,提高专业英语水平。  《电子商务专业英语》既可以作为高等院校电子商务专业的英语教材,也可以作为电子商务培训教材以及专业人士的专业英语自学读物。


Unit 1 What Is Electronic CommerceUnit 2 How E-Commerce WorksUnit 3 Infrastructure for Electronic CommerceUnit 4 From Traditional to Internet-Based EDIUnit 5 How to Create an E-Commerce Web SiteUnit 6 E-MarketingUnit 7 E-Business ModelsUnit 8 The Story of Amazon comUnit 9 Enterprise E-Business SuccessUnit I0 E-Business on Demand:A Developers RoadmapUnit II E-Business GlobalizationUnit 12 Online PaymentsUnit 13 RFID Technology and Its ApplicationsUnit 14 Supply Chain ManagementUnit 15 Enterprise Resource PlanningUnit 16 Stop Losing Customers on the WebUnit 17 Public-Key CryptographyUnit 18 Introduction to Secure Socket LayerUnit 19 Secure Electronic TransactionUnit 20 Legal Issues of E-CommerceUnit 21 Toward a Wireless WorldUnit 22 Wireless Technology and M-BusinessUnit 23 NTT DoCoMo: I-Mode PortalUnit 24 The Future of Wireless BankingAppendix 1 Resume & Letter WritingAppendix 2 Cover Letter WritingBibliography


  In product-tracking,RFID technology is growing,and includes the trackingof manufactured inventory,books from~~braries and bookstores,buddingaccess and airline baggage.The automotive industry recently started usingRFID in car keys as theft protection.  About 7 million containers enter US ports each year,which amounts toan estimated 21,000 per day.Yet,we have only enough manpower to inspect2 percent of them.Those odds leave US with a huge risk of an unwantedbreach in Our expansive supply chain without detection.  In just one industry alone,the pharmaceutical industry,manufacturersneed a method for tracking all raw materials,work in process,and finishedinventory throughout their entire supply chain to insure the purity of theirdrugs.  Imagine a system in your manufacturing plant whereby every product inthe supply chain has a unique identification number,and those products canbe tracked automatically with no human intervention for counting,trackingor scanning.  Your company could achieve higher volume tracking through the supplychain,at a lower cost,while the system provides information back to you inreal.time.  Radio frequency identification,or RFID,may be that method fortracking goods from their source to their ultimate destination.



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