
出版时间:2001-6  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:应惠兰 编  页数:282  


  《新编大学英语》是按“以学生为中心的主题教学模式”编写的教材。《新编大学英语课外系列读物》(共六册)为《新编大学英语》的配套课外读物,旨在帮助学生扩大阅读量、增强阅读能力,从而促进其综合语言能力的提高。  阅读能力的培养是英语学习中非常重要的一个环节。修订版的《大学英语教学大纲》指出:阅读是掌握语文知识、打好语言基础、获取信息的重要渠道。阅读能力是大部分大学生今后工作所需的主要语言技能。在大学英语教学中要始终重视阅读能力的培养。本读物系列以《大学英语教学大纲》为指导,遵循《新编大学英语》选材新颖、题材多样、内容丰富、趣味性强的特点,从近十年来的英、美书报刊中选取了具有时代性、知识性、趣味性、可思性的材料,让学生在学习教材的同时能进一步通过课外自主阅读拓宽视野,增进英语阅读的流利度,促进阅读能力的提高。




A New Attitude to GratitudeToday's "Real Girls" The Rules!The Rude of the ProblemShopping for Children' s BooksA Road Worth TravelingDiary of a Mad MousewifeA Visit to JordanThe Riddle of the SphinxAgainst All OddsWanted: College StudentsArming Myself with a Gun Is Not the AnswerCartoons That Aren't for KidsThe Karate GenerationI Just Had a Feeling.The IQ MeritocracyThe Serious Business of Animal PlayTaking the Long ViewIs There Life on Mars?Aliens: A Social PhenomenonE-mail ConmlunicationMy Software LifeShopping-Netting a Good BuyWhy Salesmen Never DieThe Memory PuzzleThe Sexes: Anatomy of a DifferenceGerms and Sickness in a Shrinking World:are humans and beasts too close for comfort?Talking with a QueenThe Gladiator——-Brace LeeSpreading the FaithsSt. PatrickWill Genetically Modified Foods Feed the World?Sowing the Seeds of Super PlantsDo Teachers Cheat?Music on the MindBody ArtUnregarded BerriesLloyd's Offers Hacker InsuranceWill We Still Turn Pages?Will Cash Completely Vanish?


  and great-great-grandnieces and -nephews, I always wrote, telling himwhat I'd spent his check on.39 When I went to school in Massachusetts, I had the chance to visitUncle Arthur. As,we chatted, he told me he' d always enjoyed my notes.40 "You remember them?" I asked.41 "Yes," he replied. "I've saved some of my favorites." He wavedtoward a high boy by the window. "Would you get the packet of lettersout of the top drawer?" he asked. "It' s wrapped in ribbon. "42 I found an old letter with my handwriting and read aloud: "DearUncle Arthur, I am writing this to you as I sit under the hair dryer at thebeauty salon~ . Tonight is the Holiday Ball at the high school and I amspending you Christmas check having my hair done for the party. Thankyou so very much. I know I'll have a wonderful time, in part because ofyour thoughtful gift. Love, Faith."   ......





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