
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:李峻柏  页数:203  


Nanostructurcd materials with designed biofunctions have broughtabout  rapid  and  signiticant  changes  in  materials  science.XamstrHcttrcd Biomatcrials provides up-to-date reviews of different methods for synthesizing new types of such materials and discusses their cutting edge technological applications. The reviews mainly t-ocus on potential applications of nanostructured materials in biology and the medical sciences. The book is of general interest to a broad audience of graduate students and researchers active in chemistry, materials science, engineering, biology, and physics. Dr. Junbai Li is a profssor at the National Center for Nanoscienceand Tchnology and the Institute of Chemistr,~, Chinese Acadcmv of Sciences, China.


1  Silica-based Nanostructured Porous Biomaterials 1.1  Introduction 1.2  Silica Porous Materials in Drug Release Systems  1.2.1  Conventional Delivery Systems    1.2.2  Silica Porous Materials for Release Systems  1.2.3  Various Mesoporous Silica in Drug Delivery Systems  1.2.4  Stimuli-responsive Mesoporous Silica for Delivery Systems 1.3  Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles  1.3.1  MSNs for Biological Applications  1.3.2  Non-functionalized MSNs in Drug Release Systems  1.3.3  Inorganic Nanocrystals Capped MSNs  1.3.4  The "Nanocalves" on the Surface of MSNs  1.3.5  MSNs as Biomarkers 1.4  Polymer Coated MSNs    1.4.1  Polymer Coated MSNs through PJaysical Adsorption  1.4.2  Polymer Coated MSNs through Covalent Binding 1.5  Summary References2  Nanostructured Functional Inorganic Materials Templated by Natural Substances 2.1  Introduction 2.2  Metal Oxide Nanomaterials  2.2.1  Silica Nanomaterials  2.2.2  Titania Nanomaterials.  2.2.3  Tin Oxide Nanomaterials  2.2.4  Alumina Nanomaterials  2.2.5  Zirconia Nanomaterials  2.2.6 Zinc Oxide Nanomaterials  2.2.7  Other Examples 2.3  Metallic Materials  ……



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