
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:蔡碧霞 总主编;孙利 分册主编  页数:129  


  大学英语教学的目的是培养学生具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听说读写译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。大学英语教学应帮助学生打下扎实的语言基础,掌握良好的语言学习方法,提高文化素养,即具有较强的英语综合应用能力,以适应社会发展和经济发展的需要。教育部颁发的英语教学大纲中,阅读的基本要求(四级)是:能顺利阅读语言难度中等的一般性题材的文章,掌握中心大意以及说明中心大意的事实和细节,并能进行一定的分析、推理和判断,领会作者的观点和态度,阅读速度达到每分钟70词。在阅读篇幅较长、难度略低、生词不超过总词数3%的材料时,能掌握中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节,阅读速度达到每分钟100 词。  阅读理解始终都是各类测试的最重要内容,所占分数比重大。阅读理解既是英语学习和英语测试的重要手段,又是英语学习的终极目的之一。英语阅读是一种创造性的思维劳动,它不仅涉及语音、语法、词语这些最基本的语言要素,而且还包括许多非语言因素,如文化知识背景、思维习惯等。  现有的大学英语教材虽然种类繁多,但能真正帮助学生、针对性较强地解决学生阅读能力的教材却寥寥无几。在多年的教学实践中,我们深深感到,要有的放矢地提高学生的英语阅读能力,必须有相适应的英语阅读教材。其特点必须是由浅人深、体裁广泛、文体多样、趣味性强,既可作教材,在课堂内使用,更重要的是,还可由学生在课外自主阅读。阅读量课内外的比例应是1:4左右。而由于课时原因,阅读不可能全部在课堂内进行,还必须在课外加强。这就要求我们必须给学生准备大量的快速阅读及泛读材料。  鉴于以上种种因素,我们在总结几十年教学经验的基础上,并根据学生的实际情况,殚精竭虑编写了这套《大学英语快速阅读新导学》。其目的就是让学生接触到大量以英语国家为背景的社会、人文、政治、经济、娱乐等方方面面的文字材料,创造出一个模拟的英文环境,在老师的帮助下,拓宽学生的视野。我们的编写原则是强调材料的数量及多样性。


《大学英语快速阅读新导学》共有四册,每册分为8个单元,每单元由4篇阅读文章组成。文章主要选自当代最新的英文报纸和英文著作,题材广泛,涵盖文化、教育、历史、地理、科技、经济、友情、亲情、校园生活等,并与学生的学习、生活密切相关,是大学生提高词汇量、扩展知识面、培养英语学习兴趣的好帮手。所有文章的内容思想健康,具有知识性、时代性和趣味性,既可提高学生的英语素养,又能增强学生的综合运用能力。每篇阅读文章配有针对性强、形式多样的练习,设有选择题、正误判断、翻译和问答题等题型,以增进英语的习得。所有练习均给出了参考答案。    在培养阅读能力的教学过程中,应在密切关注“快速阅读”的基础上,着重关注以下几个方面:理解文章的主旨和要义,理解文章的具体信息,根据上下文推断生词的词义,根据文章做出简单的推断和推理,理解文章的基本结构,理解作者的意图、观点和态度。另外必须注意的是:相应练习总是以文章为根据,这就是说,答案要在文章中找到根据。因此,我们不仅要求学生注意词汇、语法和阅读理解三大语言要素,掌握一定的语言背景知识,掌握阅读技巧,并有一定的分析和理解能力,同时还希望在注重量的同时注重阅读速度。    阅读是一个循序渐进、厚积薄发的过程,所以这套丛书分为四册,由浅入深,最后达到大学英语四级所要求的词汇量、阅读量和阅读速度。    本册是《大学生英语快速阅读新导学》的第一册。本册为学生提供了比较系统的、丰富多彩的阅读材料和课外阅读材料,其目的是培养学生养成正确的快速阅读习惯,在大量阅读中了解英美文化,扩大词汇量。


Unit 1 College Life Passage 1  A Turning Point in My Life Passage 2  Not Always Bad Passage 3  Credits and Student Affairs Passage 4 The Worker。Unit 2 Outstanding Characters Passage 1 The Work of John Steinbeck Passage 2  Martin Luther King and His Childhood Passage 3  Franklin D.Roosevelt Passage 4  Alfred Nobel:Founder ofthe Nobel PrizeUnit 3 Environmental Protection  Passage 1  Water Pollution  Passage 2  Protecting the Environment  Passage 3  People and the Environment  Passage 4  Industry and the EnvironmentIUnit 4 Traveling Around Passage 1  Around the World Alone Passage 2  Traveling to the Catskills Passage 3  A Different Kind of Vacation Passage 4  My Remote SpotUnit 5 Common Science Passage 1  Search for Long Life Genes Passage 2  The Laugh Lab Project Passage 3  Can Waves Make Electricity? Passage 4  Cloning HumansUnit 6 Positive Thinkin9 Passage 1 The Elephant.the Ostrich and the Woodpecker Passage 2  From Average to an Above Average Person Passage 3  Ways to Be Optimistic Passage 4 The KeyS in the Hole.Now Turn it!Unit 7 Business Passage 1  Getting the Most Out of Meetings+ Passage 2  Rising Yuan Pushes China Upmarket Passage 3  0il Barrels Hit Record High Passage 4  Bill and His Billionaire FriendUnit 8 Job Application and Interview Passage 1  Your CV Passage 2  Your Covering Letter Passage 3  0verview of Job Interviews Passage 4  Advantages and Disadvantages of Job InterviewsKey to the Exercises


  Did anybody stop you from going up? Kick that person out! Is there any hurdle in your way? Climb that hurdle! Dont stay behind the wall. Break the wall and make your way. The world is very beautiful on the other side of the wall. Yes, it is! Scratch your head and think what qualities should you have to become an above average person. Ask yourself how you should look, act and behave. Be honest with yourself and decide whether you look like an above average person. If not, then think what steps you need to take. Improve your education and professional skills, improve your health and physical structure, improve your communication skills, improve your relations with colleagues and friends, improve your job environment, improve your domestic life, improve your social circle, improve your habits and life style, improve whatever needs to be improved. Change yourself completely from inside and outside to fit into the posture (姿态) of an above average person. Change your thinking, change your belief, change your life style, change everything that needs to be changed. Remember, you cannot become an above average person by associating yourself with negative (消极的) people. Give a copy of this article to your friends and ask their opinions. If they want to join you in the process of self-improvement then its well and good, otherwise leave them because sooner or later you will be infectedby their negativity (消极性).



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