
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:陆效用  页数:395  字数:475000  


《研究生英语论文及应用文写作》(Academic & Technical Writing for Graduate Students)是为了适应研究生英语课程改革的需要而编写的。编写目的是: 通过课堂教学和课内外练习,切实帮助研究生提高实用英语写作能力。学习外语的人都知道,在听、说、读、写四项语言技能中,写是最难的,也最见语言功底。母语写作是这样,外语写作亦然。编写本书就是想帮助研究生闯过英语写作这道难关。?   本教材具有以下几个特点: ?   一、 实用性。如书名所示,本教材不是讲授一般性英语文体(如记叙文、描写文、说明文和议论文)的写作技巧,而是专门讲授英语论文和应用文的写作技能。这些技能是每一位研究生在专业学习或求学、留学、谋职时,必须具备的外语?能力。??   二、 针对性。本书的阅读对象是英语非母语的中国学生。在编写过程中,我们始终把学生的需求放在首位。每一单元在阐述英语论文或应用文的写作特点、内容和要求时,还提供了许多适用的英语句型和表达方式,供学生借鉴?之用。? ?   三、 创新性。目前在国内图书市场上,常用英语文体的写作教材较多;而英语论文及应用文的写作教材,不但数量较少,而且内容也往往浅显有余、深度不够,不适合研究生层次的实际需求。我们在分析比较了国内外多本写作教材的基础上,取长补短,推陈出新,编写了这本反映时代要求、适合研究生使用的新一代英语写作教材。这对于培养和提高研究生的英语笔头交际能力,无疑将起到一定的推动作用。?   在此,我们还想强调一点: 英语写作能力的培养和提高与其他语言技能、尤其是阅读技能的提高是密切相关的。因此,学生在着重训练写作能力时,还要兼顾其他语言技能的训练。?   本书由复旦大学外文学院大学英语教学部研究生教学分部承担编写任务。陆效用教授任主编,主要编写人员还有陈淇、范若恩、夏威、何静。曾道明教授任主审。美籍语言教师Grant Pemberton审阅了全书,Larry Delugose审阅了部分章节。范若恩除了参与编写外,还做了大量电子版的输入及编排工作。


PART ONE  论文写作篇   Unit One 优秀论文写作概述    1.1 Introduction    1.2 Characteristics of Effective Writing    1.3 Steps to Successful Writing    1.4 The Style of Academic Writing  Unit Two写作技巧:由一般到具体的语篇    2.1 Introduction ?   2.2 The Structure of General?Specific Texts ?   2.3 Basic Principles in Writing Definitions ?   2.4 Sentence Definitions    2.5 Extended Definitions    2.6 Contrastive Definitions   2.7 Comparative Definitions   2.8 Generalizations ??  Unit Three写作技巧:先问题后解答的行文    3.1 Introduction    3.2 The Structure of Problem?Solution Texts    3.3 Presenting the Problem ?   3.4 Proposing Solutions ???   3.5 Evaluation ?  Unit Four 写作技巧:图表使用和数据评述    Ⅰ. Graphic Aids ?   4.1 Introduction    4.2 Types of Graphic Aids ?   4.3 Language Focus: Expressions in Describing Graphs ?   Ⅱ. Data Commentary ?   4.4 Introduction ???   4.5 Strength of Claim   4.6 The Structure of Data Commentary ?   4.7 Qualifications and Strength of Claim    4.8 Concluding a Commentary ?   4.9 Dealing with Imperfect Data  Unit Five 写作技巧:概要写作    5.1 Introduction ?   5.2 Summary, Analysis and Abstract ?   5.3 Elements of a Good Summary ?   5.4 Characteristics of a Good Summary   5.5 Steps in Writing a Summary ???   5.6 Language Focus:Summary Opening Sentences and Reminder ?Phrases ?   5.7 Comparative Summaries ?  Unit Six 写作技巧:评论文写作    6.1 Introduction ??   6.2 Critical Thinking   6.3 Preliminary Steps in Writing a Critique    6.4 The Format of the Critique ?   6.5 Language Focus:The Grammar of Critiques   Unit Seven 论文写作:导论及文献综述    Ⅰ. Introduction Sections ?   7.1 Introduction ?   7.2 Characteristics of an Effective Introduction ?   7.3 How to Write an Introduction ?   7.4 Language Focus:Opening Statements ?   Ⅱ. Literature Reviews ?   7.5 Introduction ?   7.6 The Importance of Literature Reviews ?   7.7 How to Write a Literature Review ?   7.8 Language Focus:Tense in Citation and Negative Statements   Unit Eight 论文写作:方法与结果    Ⅰ. Methods ?   8.1 Introduction   8.2 Ingredients of the Methods Section ?   8.3 Language Focus:Imperative Sentences   Ⅱ. Results    8.4 Introduction    8.5 Ingredients of the Results Section ?   8.6 Commentary in the Results Section   Unit Nine 论文写作:讨论与结论    Ⅰ. Discussion   9.1 Introduction   9.2 The Variation of Discussion ?   9.3 The Difference Between Results and Discussion ?   9.4 How to Present the Discussion    9.5 Strategies for Opening the Discussion Section ?   9.6 The Discussion of Results ?   Ⅱ. Conclusions ?   9.7 Introduction    9.8 How to Write a Conclusions Section ?   9.9 Components of the Conclusions ?   9.10 Ineffective Conclusions    9.11 Language Focus:Transitions and Useful Expressions ?  Unit Ten 论文写作:标题、摘要、致谢和文献目录    Ⅰ. Titles    10.1 Functions    10.2 Guidelines   10.3 Mechanics    Ⅱ. Abstracts    10.4 Introduction   10.5 Components    10.6 Language Focus:The Grammar of Abstracts ?   Ⅲ. Acknowledgements ?   10.7 Introduction ???   10.8 Components ?   10.9 Sample Acknowledgements ?   Ⅳ. Bibliographies ?   10.10 Introduction ?   10.11 Documentation Styles   10.12 Preferences for Documentation Style ?  Unit Eleven 论文写作:抄袭现象和文献引注    Ⅰ. Plagiarism ?   11.1 Introduction ?   11.2 How to Avoid Plagiarism ?   Ⅱ. Documentation ?   11.3 Introduction ?   11.4 What to Document   11.5 In?Text Documentation   Unit Twelve 学术翻译:论文摘要汉译英    12.1 Introduction ?   12.2 What to Be Translated ?   12.3 Language Focus:Linguistic Features of Abstracts ?PART TWO 应用文写作篇   Unit Thirteen 电子邮件    13.1 Introduction   13.2 The Compose Window ?   13.3 How to Write and Reply to an E?mail ?   13.4 “Body Language” and Acronyms in E?mail   13.5 Formal E?mail Etiquette ?  Unit Fourteen 备忘录    14.1 Introduction ?   14.2 The Format of the Memo ?   14.3 Types of Memos ?  Unit Fifteen 计划书    15.1 Introduction ?   15.2 The Purpose of a Proposal ?   15.3 Components of a Proposal ?   15.4 Types of Proposals ??  Unit Sixteen 工作进展报告    16.1 Introduction ?   16.2 Contents of a Progress Report ?   16.3 The Format of the Progress Report  Unit Seventeen 简历与信件    Ⅰ. Résumés ?   17.1 Introduction   17.2 Components of a Résumé ?   17.3 The Chronological Résumé ?   17.4 The Functional Résumé ?   Ⅱ. Application Letters for Graduate Studies ?   17.5 Introduction ?   17.6 Application Letters for Graduate Programs ?   Ⅲ. Job?Application Letters ?   17.7 Introduction ?   17.8 How to Write Job?Application Letters ?   Ⅳ. Recommendation Letters ?   17.9 Introduction ?   17.10 The Basic Structure of the Recommendation Letter ?   17.11 Language Focus:Useful Expressions ?  Unit Eighteen 口头陈述    18.1 Introduction    18.2 The Role of Oral Presentations ?   18.3 Preparing an Oral Presentation ?   18.4 Giving the Oral Presentation ?   18.5 After the Presentation ? Appendix Key to Activities and Exercises




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  •   有用的书,其实对应于专业的本科生写毕业论文也有一定的参考价值。特别是其中每章后的LanguageFocus比较有用,直接给了论文写作中需要注意的语言问题,有用的句型等。
  •   很好,符合研究生写作的要求。很高兴终于找到了一本适合的教材。
  •   内容还挺详细,其中论文部分的写作有帮助,建议看一下。
  •   比较专业的书,有一定的难度
  •   总的觉得这本书还可以吧.研究生现在都忙着写论文.这本书对论文的写作有一定帮助.不过我觉得书里面的纸张感觉不太好.如果封皮的质量一样好就好了.不过总起来说还是不错了.而且送货比较及时.

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