
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:陈社胜,秦毅,黎亮,等 编  页数:318  




  陈社胜,毕业于复旦大学法语专业和华东师范大学英语语言文学专业,现任复旦大学外文学院副教授,专业研究方向为当代医学语言与文化。多年从事法语、英语教学研究和国际医学交流工作。主编教材:《大学后英语》(1999);《万事通中级英语》(2001);《医学英语视听说教程1——健康通识》(2007);《医学英语视听说教程2——医学教育与健康服务》(2007);《医学英语视听说教程3——疾病预防与治疗》(2007);《当代医学英语综合教程1——医学探索》(2008);《当代医学英语综合教程2——关注健康》(2009);《当代医学英语综合教程3——医学人文》(2011)。参编:《医学英汉辞典》(第二版,1997)、(第三版,2009)。发表的主要论文:Helping Students Foster Good Vocabulary Learning and Retention(1993),《国际合作项目成功个案探讨》(1998),《基础阶段后英语教学的思考与实践》(1999)等。


第一章 自我提升与终生学习第一节 主题阅读论自我更新第二节 影像阅读成功的概念我们要赢得未来一位79岁老人的故事第三节 扩展阅读有能力、有抱负当然不错,但坚持不懈才是获得成功的关键第四节 深入讨论与研究的5个专题第五节 语言综合练习词汇应用补全句子逻辑表达审校改错短文汉译英第二章 医学培训中的人道关怀第一节 主题阅读白大褂的背后第二节 影像阅读过度工作,过度劳累疲惫的医生伤害患者医学生从生活中学习第三节 扩展阅读住院医生被安排工作得太辛苦第四节 深入讨论与研究的5个专题第五节 语言综合练习词汇应用补全句子逻辑表达审校改错短文汉译英第三章 安慰剂效应与健康心理第一节 主题阅读神秘的安慰剂第二节 影像阅读安慰剂效应安慰剂处方乐观是一贴良药第三节 扩展阅读安慰剂:欺骗性的益处第四节 深入讨论与研究的5个专题第五节 语言综合练习词汇应用补全句子逻辑表达审校改错短文汉译英第四章 医学的作用与局限第一节 主题阅读科学伦理学家拷问科学的力量第二节 影像阅读……第五章 医学专业人员经历第六章 信息时代的医患关系第七章 生殖技术与伦理第八章 生与死:临终关怀第九章 科学研究与道德第十章 医学发展与社会进步第十一章 医疗体制与卫生服务第十二章 医学、政治与法律附录


  conception we have of the kind of concrete, describable goal toward which all of our efforts drive us. We want to believe that there is a point at which we can feel that we have arrived. We want a scoring system that tells us when we've plied up enough points to count ourselves successful.So you scramble and sweat and climb to reach what you thought was the goal. When you get to the top, you stand up and look around, and chances are you may feel a little empty. You may wonder whether you have climbed the wrong mountain.  But the metaphor is all wrong. Life isn't a mountain that has a summit. Nor is it, as some suppose, a riddle that has an answer, nor a game that has a final score. Life is an endless unfolding and, if we wish it to be, an endless process of self-discovery, an endless and unpredictable dialogue between our own potentialities and the life situations in which we find ourselves. The thing you have to understand is that the capacities you actually develop to the full come out as the result of an interplay between you and life's challenges —— and the challenges keep coming and they keep changing. Life pulls things out of you.  There is something I know about you that you may or may not know about yourself. You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped , more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, more to give than you have ever given.   ……




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