
出版时间:2011-5  出版社:南开大学出版社  作者:汪士彬  页数:296  






普及科普知识,提高语言素养——学好科普英语快速阅读(汪士彬)使用说明——如何实施高级英语快速阅读实践篇Unit One Chilean Earthquake May Have Shortened Earth DaysTimed Reading: Can Toads Predict Earthquakes?Unit Two Is 4G Better Than 3G?Timed Reading: Top 5 Unexpected Ways You'll Be Using Your Smart PhoneUnit Three Could Computers and Robots Become Conscious?Timed Reading: Will Artificial Intelligence Invade Second Life?Unit Four Vuvuzela-SA Football's Beautiful NoiseTimed Reading: Zakumi: Spirit of South Africa 2010Unit Five Discarded Plastic Bags and Other Debris Threaten Marine Life, Experts SayTimed Reading: Plastic Bag--On Its Way OutUnit Six Avatar: The Psychedelic Worldview and the 3D ExperienceTimed Reading: Avatar and the World of ShamanismUnit Seven Defending the USA PavilionTimed Reading: The Pavilion WarsUnit Eight Why Would a Trained Orea Kill a Human?Timed Reading: Lost Leviathans: Hunting the World's Missing WhalesUnit Nine Where Will the U.S. Get Its Electricity in 2034?Timed Reading: Scientists Explore How the Humble Leaf Could Power the PlanetUnit Ten Avatar: The Real-Life Science Behind the FantasyTimed Reading: Echoes of Avatar: Is a Tribe in India the Real-Life Na ' vi?Unit Eleven Vatican Seeks Signs of Alien LifeTimed Reading: Alien Life? Astronomers Predict Contact by 2025Unit Twelve Some Mistakes Your Doctor May Be MakingTimed Reading: Recipes to Set Teenagers on a Healthy PathUnit Thirteen The Deadliest Snake in the World--the Black MambaTimed Reading: Origin of Snake FangsUnit Fourteen Climate Change Likely Caused Polar Bear to Evolve QuicklyTimed Reading: Climate Change Is Happening; Effects Will Be Severe, Now What Will It Cost to Fix It?Unit Fifteen The Mystery of Crop CirclesTimed Reading: Crop Circles: Artworks or Alien Signs?Unit Sixteen Fueling the Anger of DoctorsTimed Reading: Doctors Offer Thoughts on Cutting Health Care CostsUnit Seventeen The Trillion-Dollar Question Is: Who Will Now Lead the Climate Battle?Timed Reading: Is Combating Climate Change Worth the Cost?Unit Eighteen Lost? Evidence that Sense of Direction Is InnateTimed Reading: The Neuroscience of Distance and DesireUnit Nineteen Global WarmingTimed Reading: Among Weathercasters, Doubt on WarmingAnswer Keys符号与缩略语表



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